Happy Birthday

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September 18th

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mommy to beeeee, happy birthday to you," Lizzie sang as she entered our bedroom this morning.

I opened my eyes with a smile and let the smell of coffee invade my nose, "good morning," I groaned.

"I have coffee and some blueberry pancakes with a few candles for the birthday girl," Lizzie smiled, putting the plate on my lap.

"Thank you baby," I smiled, taking a sip of my coffee, "how did you sleep?"

"Like a woman who is 2/3 of her way through the longest pregnancy in the world," she replied with a smile, taking a sip of her drink.

"But a beautiful one," I smiled.

"Six months of a nine-month pregnancy and I'm bigger than my Mom when she was pregnancy with the twins ... can I just get her out of me already," she complained, leaning back on the headboard.

"She's going to be worth it," I smiled.

Lizzie hummed and smiled at me, "you did this to me," she said.

I nodded slowly, "you're welcome."

"Okay do you want your present now?" she said with a large smile, standing up and waddling over to the wardrobe where she pulled out a large box followed by two small bags.

"Lizzie ... I said nothing big," I spoke.

"It's not big," she smiled, placing a box on my lap that was probably as long as my legs and I'm 5'10.

"Lizzie, look at the size of it," I giggled.

"Just open it," she said tapping the box excitedly.

"Okay, okay," I laughed, taking the wrapping off the box, "oh my god Lizzie is this- YOU DIDN'T!!"

"I did," she smiled wide.

I looked down at the vintage 1980s string guitar that was looking back at me. I told her months ago that this was my dream present, and I can't believe she got it for me, it must have cost an arm and a leg, but she placed it on my lap like it was nothing.

"Lizzie I- I can't believe this, oh my god," I said, pulling it out of its box and holding it in my arms, strumming it slightly.

It was massively out of tune, but I did not care at all, I started tuning it and once it was perfect, I strummed it again.

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly. All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arrive," I sang as I strummed the chords.

"I love hearing you sing," Lizzie smiled with a nose scrunch.

"I love you, I love this, I- I can't believe you got me this," I smiled, kissing her lips softly.

"You're welcome," I smiled, "I'm glad you like it."

"Like it?! Lizzie ... look at how beautiful she is, I love it so much, this is the best gift I've ever received honestly."

"These two aren't as amazing but here," she smiled, handing me a little Pandora bag and another small black bag.

"You spent way too much money on me," I complained as I opened the first bag.

It was a ring with my birthstone, Sapphire, on the band. The rest of the ring was a floral design that wrapped around it.

"Aw Liz this is so cute," I said, sticking my bottom lip out and putting the ring on my thumb.

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