You on my arm

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I woke up to the weight of Lizzie on my chest and the smell of eggs, bacon and beans wafting into our bedroom from the kitchen. I smiled and kissed the top of Lizzie's head, trying to manoeuvre out from under the covers without waking her up. I failed miserably and the second I moved she groaned and held onto me tighter.

"five more minutes," she mumbled against my chest.

I laughed and ran my hand up and down her spine softly, "come on I think Scarlet is cooking and you're yet to eat her famous fry-up," I whispered, kissing her head again.

Lizzie groaned once more and sat up with her eyes still shut and turned to face me when I did not get up to join her.

"Are you fucking coming or not," she moaned, opening her eyes.

I nodded my head with a smile and sat up too, kissing her on the head as I did, "come on then my love," I mumbled, holding my hand out for her to take.

She grabbed my hand and a blanket and followed me out of the room, still half asleep and mumbling about how tired she is the whole way to the kitchen.

I wanna be
I wanna buy you
Pretty little things
And never ever lie to you
Watch you get dressed.

Scarlet was standing in front of the coffee machine pressing all the buttons to get it to actually make coffee while (You) On My Arm by Leith Ross was playing from my Alexa.

"Miss Barista, do you want a hand with the coffee machine?" I laughed as Lizzie sat at the kitchen island watching her with a small giggle.

And compliment your taste
I'd be better armed
If you agreed to take it.

Angrily singing the lyrics she hit the top of the machine and turned to face me, "I can't fucking work it," she started, "why are there so many fucking buttons."

Laughing I walked over to her, "have you tried pressing the big red 'Start' button?" I said smugly, pressing the button.

"For fuck's sake," she mumbled as she watched the coffee pour out of the spout, "food is nearly ready," she said pointing to the oven hobs.

I kissed her cheek playfully before walking over to Lizzie, "thank you Scar, this," I said motioning to the oven, "is why you're my favourite friend."

Scarlet laughed, "I'm your only friend."

"That is not true," I said acting offended, "I have ... well there is Jess-"

"Who is your colleague," she corrected.

"And there is ... Lizzie," I nodded my head turning to face my girlfriend.

"Nope, Lizzie doesn't count," Scarlet said shaking her head, "Lizzie is your girlfriend which makes me your only friend," she said with a smirk.

"Okay, whatever, you win," I gave up.

Scarlet plated up our food and finished making the coffee.

"Enjoy Breakfast a la Scarlet," she said with a bow.

"Oh, are you not staying for food?" Lizzie asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

Scarlet shook her head and smiled, "no I'm going to go, I have a breakfast date with Mia," she started, making her way towards the door, "Y/N, Lizzie needs to talk to you," she said quickly before closing the door behind her.

I turned to face Lizzie who had her signature nose scrunch painted on her face.

"What- what does she mean," I laughed with confusion.

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