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"Y/N can you please come and help me find my heels," Lizzie asked as I was in the bathroom doing my hair.

"Give me two seconds," I shouted, finishing the braid in my hair and walking back into our bedroom where she was walking around in circles, "how are we doin- wow you look- fuck you look beautiful Elizabeth."

She looked at me with a smile, "really? It's not too frumpy?" she asked.

I shook my head and walked over to her, kissing her lips passionately. She relaxed after she realised what was happening and kissed my back cupping my cheek softly. I pulled away and looked at her again. She was wearing the long black dress we picked out in H&M as her baby bump was highlighted perfectly. Her hair was pin-straight and hung over her shoulders. She had cut a small wispy fringe in the 15 minutes I was gone, and it looked fucking amazing.

"I love this," I said, running my hand through her bangs.

She giggled, "thanks, it was a bit of an impulsive move but I kind of love it," she replied.

I nodded, "it really suits your face," I smiled, "and your body looks heavenly in this dress."

She placed her hand on her stomach and look down at her dress, "you're very cute," she replied, "you don't look bad yourself," she said softly, looking me up and down.

I was wearing pinstripe trousers and a matching waistcoat that had no shirt underneath, showing off my heavily tatted arms.

"I try my best," I smirked, "let's look for those shoes," I said, pecking her lips a few times.

I opened the wardrobe and giggled when I saw the heels staring directly back at me. I picked them up and turned around, holding them out in front of her.

"I swear they weren't there when I just looked," she replied, taking them from my grasp.

I laughed and kissed her head. Walking over to our shared vanity to spray some perfume on myself. When I turned back around Lizzie was ready and smiled at me sweetly.

"You ready?" she asked, grabbing a clutch bag.

I nodded, holding my hand out towards her, "let's go," I replied, kissing her cheek.

Lizzie decided to drive to town for the gathering so I could have a drink, but I could tell she was nervous the whole drive because her hand was shaking on the steering wheel, and she kept nearly crashing into the car in front of us.

"Lizzie chill out, it's only a small thing with maybe 20 people at most," I said, taking her hand and giving it a little squeeze.

"Yeah, but those people are all your colleagues so you know them really well and then there is Florence and I know we said we weren't going to go there but I can't not Y/N," she said quickly.

"Worst-case scenario game," I said.

Lizzie smiled at our little ritual, "Florence is openly flirting with you and there is nothing I can do about it because it's your work thing and we need to be professional."

I nodded slowly, "Flo makes a move and I have to drop the biggest case I've ever been given because she crossed the boundary."

"Everyone is drinking and starts asking invasive questions about the baby," she said, letting go of my hand to pull into a parking space.

"People ask invasive questions and I start a fight," I said with a smile.

Lizzie giggled and turned the car off, taking a deep breath in and out, "okay let's do this," she said with a small smile.

"Three hours and we can leave," I told her, getting out of the car and walking around to help her out too.

This evening's event was taking place in our office as we couldn't rent anywhere last minute. The office always had been quite beautiful but tonight it looked even better. They had hung up some fairy lights and had a few people walking around carrying trays of martinis. It all looked very professional. Flo was standing with Arthur laughing at a joke he had just made. I squeezed Lizzie's hand when she clocked Florence and lead her over to them. On the way, I grabbed a martini off one of the trays and hummed as I took a sip.

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