Happy New Year

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"Baby, are you nearly ready?" I shouted, doing up the final few buttons on my shirt.

I heard the zip of Lizzie's dress and a thud coming from my bedroom before I swung open the door to see Lizzie sitting on the floor, half of her zip done up and one shoe on.

"You all right down there?" I asked with a. slight smile.

"These fucking shoes are doing my fucking head in," she started, "every time I think they're on, they just come undone and UGH ITS PISSING ME OFF."

I laughed and squatted down in front of her, holding my hand out for her to put her foot in. I undid the knot she had created and tied her heels up and around her ankles. I patted the first foot, and she raised the next. I tied it the same as the first one, leaving cute little bows around her ankles.

"There," I said with a small smile, "no need to stress."

She shook her head and rolled her eyes. I stood up and held my hands out to help her up too.

"You know you love me," I said, placing my hands around her waist as she stood up.

She looked at me through her lashes, "mhm I do, thank you."

I nodded my head and leaned down to kiss her lips softly. She kissed me back, cupping my cheek.

"Can we just stay in tonight?" she whispered against my lips.

I pulled away and looked at her, "But you're all dressed up and we've pre-drunk a bottle of wine. Your sisters are waiting for us at their place."

She groaned and placed her head on my chest. I lifted my hand to rub up and down her spine.

"Please," she whispered, "I don't want to go out."

I placed my finger under her chin to get her to look at me, "what up?" I asked softly.

She shook her head, "Nothing, it's nothing. I- I just don't want to go out."

"Its New Year's Eve, we only need to stay out until midnight and then we can leave," I replied, rubbing my thumb on her cheek.

She took a deep breath and walked over to the vanity to do her hair. I sat on the bed to wait for her and opened my phone in the meantime to message my grandma a happy new year, knowing she would be asleep at midnight. I didn't even bother messaging my mum, if she wanted to message me, she could but she hasn't so I'm not going to waste my time being the perfect daughter she doesn't even want.

"FUCK SAKE I FUCKING HATE EVERYTHING," Lizzie shouted, throwing the hairbrush on the table and placing her face in her hands.

I shot up from the bed and placed my hand on her back, "hey baby it's fine, what happened," I spoke softly.

She took a shaky breath and looked at her reflection, "nothing is fucking working properly, my hair looks like shit, my shoes are already hurting my feet, my dress is scratchy and the bags under my eyes can take themselves shopping."

I laughed slightly but instantly stopped when Lizzie turned to look at me with glassy eyes, her jaw shaking slightly.

"Hey baby don't cry it's fine," I said pulling her into a hug, the second her head collided with my chest she broke down, sobbing into my arms, "hey, hey, what's wrong," I asked, cupping her cheek to make her look at me.

"I- I really don't want to go out Y/N, I just- nothing is going smoothly and I'm really anxious- I just want to stay in. Can we please just stay in," she sobbed, her hands shaking.

I nodded my head and rubbed my thumb along her cheek, "we can stay in Liz, we don't need to go out. It's not worth the stress, okay?"

She nodded her head and sniffled, looking down at her feet.

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