Shower pt.2

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I stepped out of the room to Scarlet standing there with a smirk on her face and her arms crossed in front of her, "I can't believe you continued after I caught you."

"Walked in on, " I corrected, "you walked in on us IN our bedroom in our house- how did you get in anyway?"

"Spare key," she replied.

"I didn't give you the spare key so you could just walk around my house," I laughed, following her downstairs.

"Where's Lizzie?" she asked smugly when she reached the kitchen.

"She'll be down in a minute, she's just finishing-"

"I bet she is," Scarlet smirked.

"You know what-"

"Y/N!" Jarnie said as she entered the room, giving me a big hug, "where is my daughter?" she asked, looking around.

Scarlet giggled and looked me at, waiting for my response.

"She's just finishing getting ready," I replied, giving Scarlet a look to shut the fuck up.

"Amazing, the twins are on their way with Trent and Courtney," she replied with a smile.

"Tea?" Scarlet asked when silence took over.

"Please," Jarnie said with a smile, "you guys make a much better cup of tea than us."

"Heyy," Lizzie sang as she came running down the stairs.

"Lizard! How's baby?" her mum asked, pulling her into a hug.

"She's good, she gave us a little freight this morning but apart from that she's good," Lizzie smiled, taking a seat next to her mum.

Scarlet finished making the tea and handed them out, giving Lizzie a knowing wink when she passed hers over. I saw the blush rise up her cheek and I'm 150% sure Jarnie knew exactly what was going on because she let out a little giggle. As Scarlet was talking to Lizzie's mum her phone buzzed on the side next to me so obviously, like the nosey bitch I am, I had a little look at who it was. The lock screen was a disgustingly cute mirror selfie of Scarlet and another person, five guesses at who that is. The message itself made me smile a little before passing the phone over to Scarlet with a knowing smirk.

 The message itself made me smile a little before passing the phone over to Scarlet with a knowing smirk

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Love <3
We're on our way now, I'll see you soon darling x

"Fuck off why are you reading my messages?" she said when she took the phone.

"Who's that on your lock screen?" I smirked.

"Y/N shut up please," she muttered so only I could hear.

I hummed and gave her a little wink before walking over to my girlfriend who asked me with her eyes what was going on.

"Later," I whispered, kissing her head.

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