XXI. The Coronation

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Alia's POV

Today is the day!

The day that I will be coronated as Queen of a whole nation. Am I nervous?

What do you think?

Of course I am! I hope I can do well. I hope we can implement all the changes that we've come up with the past few days. I hope the subjects live a happy and peaceful life under our rule. Oh Mahadev! Please bless us!

"Okay Lili, you look amazing, divine. Look you've got this okay? You are going to be amazing! You have put so much thought into all the planning, you've been on trips to the country and tried to bond with people to know about their lives. You are going to be a great queen. I promise. I can guarantee that. People love you okay? "Drau said.

This is the 127th pep talk that I've gotten this week.

Drau, Madhav, Bhrata Suyo, Bhrata Nakul and Arya have all been giving me pep talks this week. Arya found me sleep-talking 5 times. Yea, this week was amazing, splendid even.

"You think Drau? I mean I love my people, and I would do anything for them , but I just hope I don't mess up." I said as I checked my hair, for what I'm sure is the 100th time.

"Yes, my dearest Maharani. You are amazing and great. And remember you have your family with you." She said.

"Pranipat Rajkumari Alia! Pranipat Rajkumari Draupadi! You presence is being requested at the Raj Sabha. It is time for the coronation." One of the servants said.

"We will be there Bhayya" I said.

Okay I've got this.


Karn's POV

"I have to do right by my subjects. They've put so much faith in me that they left their homes and followed me to an entirely new land. I cannot betray their trust in any way." I said

"Of course you won't Jyesht. I've known you for a very long time and I can confidently say that you will make a great king. I honestly don't think anyone can be a better king than you" Suyo said.

I know that he's trying to be supportive, but for some reason, I just feel a tad bit more nervous right now.

Okay, I've got this. We have planned well and we all have our work sorted out for us. I have myself, my amazing queen and a great council of ministers. I have everything I would ever need to establish a great kingdom. I mean sure, that mama of Suyo will try to tear us down, but we can deal with that. We will. For now, I just have to focus on the coronation and announcing the new changes. Okay I've got this.


Time skip to coronation


Suyo's POV

It feels so good to see Jyesht and Bhabhishree climb up those stairs to rule the kingdom. Like, I cannot imagine two people more worthy of this throne than they are. They place their kingdom above all and their family above themselves. I just hope we all can live peacefully after this. (hehe Suyo, your author has other plans right now. How will I have a story to write if you are left to live peacefully huh? )

They started to tell their vows to the kingdom and their people. Honestly, I am just so excited for their rule. I am also excited for us to finally focus on my darling Bhanu, but the coronation is more important now. Totally.


Third Person's POV

The newly coronated King and Queen looked as if they were born to be rulers. There was a certain glow that came from them that filled everyone with hope.

Maharaj Karna started to speak.

"To everyone who put their faith in us and left their homes and everything they have ever known and followed us here, my queen and I, along with our family would like express our heartfelt gratitude. Doing what you did required great courage and we all admire you for that. We promise that we will strive to be rulers worthy of your love and loyalty." Maharaj Karna said.

"I would like to thank all of you once again on behalf of the crown. We are nothing without you, after all. All we ask is for you love and loyalty, which you have already given us in abundance. We promise you that we will rule with the best interests of our subjects at heart and nothing will be more important than our country's welfare. Now, our Mahamantri will be announcing the new laws we have introduced." Maharani Alia said.

"Greeting everyone. First of all, our King and Queen, with your best interests at heart, have decided to build hospitals and schools in each town so that everyone has access to them. Secondly we will be making education compulsory for all children, until the age of 17. They will also be trained in warfare, the basics, so that they are able to defend themselves should the need arise. Third, we are going to introduce the concept of divorce, but this will be done on a case by case basis to ensure that there is no misuse. Next, and the most important one yet, there is no more caste system, anyone who is found to be segregating people using it as an example will be sentenced to 10 years of prison. Let us be an example for other countries." Mahamantri Yudhishtir concluded his announcement with that.

I - well all of us citizens of this marvelous country - hope that what the Mahamantri said will be true. It would be amazing to live a life like this. They were already opening up the registration for schools and hospitals. Hopefully, we will have a better and brighter future. Long live Maharaj Karna and Maharani Alia!


Hey Yall! First off, I would like to apologize for being extremely inactive. Second of all, I know this story was mostly like a bit nore political than you would like and this chapter was very short. I wanted to like, cement the main setting first and then go on with the drama in the family + the romance. I promise you will see that more from now on.

Do we have a third thing?

Yes ! Yes, we do! I want to let you guys know that I have managed to finish writing this story and I'll be uploading chapters consistently. Move on to the next chapter to find out more!!

Once again thanks for reading, it means a lot to me! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know in the comments!

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Love yall ♡♡

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