XIX. Aishwarya

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Karn's POV

The past few day have been crazily scary. Alia has been slipping in and out of consiousness. She mumbles when she is unconcious, but it is a foreign language. But.....she has mostly been unconcious.

The royal doctor did visit her, but he wasn't able to find out exactly what was happening and why this is happening. Me and Rajkumari Draupadi have not left her side at all. My brothers keep asking me to come out and Arjun has tried to get the elder yagnaseni to take a walk outside ,but we both refused. How are we supposed to leave this angel alone in this condition?

"Jyesht.....there might be a person who can help." Came Arjun's voice.

" Who?"

" Madhav. If there is anyone with a solution for this, he will." Arjun said.

True...I don't really understand what he says usually but, he always has a solution.

"Yes, govind will definitely have a solution. And he will come for Alia's sake. " The panchal princess said.

" Alright, I will write to him right away. Arjun-"

"Jyesht you should try to come-"

" - go get me the necessary materials please." I said.

" Of course Jyesht." Arjun said .

He walked out just as Suyo was walking in and shook his head at Suyo who just sighed and left with Arjun.

What in the world? They didn't try to kill each other. How? Why is Alia not awake to see this moment?

Draupadi's POV

Why is this happening to her? Why should my sister, my baby go through this? I don't even know what is happening to her.

She has been acting weird for the past few days. 2 days before we left Hastinapur, when we were playing on the swing in the garden, she told me things that are way too weird. And she seemed so distant when she said that.

" The war had a lot of bloodshed. You, Draupadi, you were one of the causes for the war. You, maharani, you wanted this war to happen. You-" And then she went still, silent.

She said nothing and did nothing. I tried calling her but she dint respond.

" Drau, what hapoened? Why do yoi look like you've seen a ghost?" She asked amd laughed.

"But, you just- you-"

" What? Are you worried about moving away? Don't worry...I'll be right by your side" She said.

She had no idea what she had just told me. I didn't want to change her mood then.

But why did she call me, maharani? She will be the queen. Plus, Arya wouldn't ascend the throne. He is not next in line to the throne and neither does he want it. And...neither do I. So why? And what war?

Only Lili can give me those answers. But at this point, I don't care about the answers. I just want her to be fine. I just want her to get up and smile. Oh Lili!

Alia/Aishwarya's mind

Bold Italics are the things happening in Alia's mind.
Italics is Alia's thoughts.
Underlined are the things that she can sense that are happening in real time (as in Dwaparyug)

A young girl, about 5-6 years old watches two people play with a baby girl. She looks like she is deciding whether or not to approach them. She decides to approach them.


" Listen, Aishwarya. I am only going to say this once, do not hurt your sistet. Just stat away from her." The woman-mother i guess- said

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