XVI. Arjun

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Arjun's POV

I am so confused. I know I am supposed to be happy that I found the identity of my older brother, but I don't really know how to feel about this. I mean, I am happy to a certain extent. I have a brother who is a great archer , and we can practice together but then.....you know it is also kind of weird.

This person used to be my greatest rival, someone who I vowed to kill numerous times. Did I have a personal grudge against him? Maybe. We weren't total ENEMIES enemies. We were mostly enemies because we were from the opposite sides. And now....I don't know if there are 2 sides?

I would be lying if I say I'm happy about this change. I mean, I am happy about finding my brother. But, I just got to know him. I don't know how good of an idea it is to leave everything that I've known all my life behind. I know this is the right thing to do though. For the good of people. Jyesht is a great person. I just hope we didn't have to leave like this.

I need to talk to someone about this. I can't just keep it all in. But I can't go to mata, she is already too emotional about Jyesht, then what-



A few moments later

"- I mean , I know I should just be happy and grateful, but I am not so sure. Like what do I do? It is just that everything happened so suddenly, and I'm not sure I am doing the right thing Krishnaa. What do I do?" I concluded my rant and I stopped in front ofbmy utterly gorgeous wife. I wish we talked more about romantic things, but until my mind is clear of other thoughts, I don't think I should do that to Panchali. It is not right.

" Arya, calm down. I know it is all overwhelming now and I won't say that I completely understand but...it is actually good that you feel this way." My beauty replied.

"It is GOOD? How, priye? I might actually go mental!" I said.

" Arya, see, a person who dies wrong things won't question himself about whether he is doing the right thing ir not. He will simply do the thing that is convenient and reaps him the most rewards. But yiu didn't do that. You apologised to your br9therz which itself is a great thing. That is a step in the right direction. Of course things are changing too fast, but I promise you, once we move to Khandavprasth, things will get better. It will just be you and your brother, trying to form a bond. You won't feel so much pressure then. For now, just try to focus on one thing at a time. Like for example go and sleep now." She said as she went to remove her jewellery.

Hmmm.True. Yea , when we move away from Hastinapur it should be easierm At least there is no more Mamashree problems......I hope. If he-


I know our marriage life is kind of , not totally normal but I could help my wife remove her jewellery. That would make her happy.

"Let me help you panchali. You just relax now, darling." I said.

"No need Ar-"

"Shhhh, a hood husband should serve his wife. I havent done much these few dqys, so let me do this now darling." I said.

I took off her necklaces and earring. But those hair things.....how do I get rid of them...? Do I pull them? It probably would hurt. Maybe.......maybe I should just push them down....? Or-

"Do you need help Arya?" Came her honey-like voice.

Honestly I could get drunk on her voice. I wish I could just keep listening to her talk, all my life and get lost in those eyes, ohhh those lovely eyes. The-


"Huh! Yea, how do I pull the hair off the jewellery- no, the jewellery off the hair- no wait what? I'm confused. What am I talking about? I mean-"

" Here , let me show you." She said.

" Ok dear."

She is literally so perfect. How did god create her? How did god decide that I was good enough for her? Am I even worthy of this angel?


"Huh, ARE YOU ALRIGHT PANCHALI?" I asked. Why did she scream?

" You were so lost in your dream world Arya, you couldn't hear me. And it is not as if I can drag you to bed-"

"You can drag me to hell Panchali, and I will follow. As long as you are the one leading me or ordering me, I will blindly follow." I said.


Useless question.

It is my wife, ofcourse she can be.

"Why would you say that Arya? Why hell? " She said and pouted.

Oh My God, my heart might burst out.

"Ok my darling, forgive me. Heaven." I said.

"mmm fineee. But I will only forgive you this one." She said and laughed and we walked over to the bed.

Next morning

" Arjun , we need to meet all the elders and get their blessings before ee leavem Especially Pitamah's. I don't think we should make Jyesht wait for us to get his blessings. It not fair to him." Jyesht (Yudishtir) said.

Why did I wake up so early in the morning? Whyyy?

Jyesht has started talking to me about all the plans he has come up with to build a closer bond with Jyesht (Karn) . I mean, normally I am all ears to losten to ANYthing and EVERYthing my brothers say but I just got married.

I want my wife, to talk to her and admire her. To get to know about her, to know her likes and dislikes, to know what mkaes her the happiest, to-

"Arjun, I know you would rather prefer for your wife to be here, and I don't bpame you, but at least pretend to listen to what I have to say." came Jyesht's voice.

I'm pretty sure the red is visible on my cheeks now.

"Sorry Jyesht." I mumbled.

"Hello kid, old guy. Myself and another lovesick guy are just visiting." Came Bhrata Suyo's voice.

" I am NOT lovesick Suyo. It has been 20 minutes since she left. That is like an eternity. Ohhh to be away from your wife." Jyesht (Karn) said.

"RIGHTTT JYESHT. How could they leave us and go so early in the morning? They are being so mean." I said.

" 'They are being so mean' . How old are you Arjun." Bhrata Suyo mocked me.

" You are one to talk. 'But why can I not write to Bhanuuuu Bhabhishree?" We all heard your whing Bhrata Suyo." I said and made a face at him. He made another face.

How dare he?

"Oh stop it you two. It is too early in the morning to mediate a fight now." Jyesht Yudhishtir said.

Jyesht Karn went ans sat down on the floor next to the bed and I went to join him. Bhrata Suyo just shook his head at us and made a dacem Eh who cares.

I'll get to mock him once we get him married. You just wait Bhrata Suyo. Just wait.

"Pranipat Bhabhishree and Bhabh8shree. You can pick up your lovesick babies there. Yes right these." Came Bhrata Suyo's voice.


" PRIYE YOU ARE HERE!" both me and Jyesht shouted at the same time.

The sisters just threw their heads back in laughter.

Soon me and Jyesht joined in too. I could get used to this.

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, ( just started college) and thank you for being patient and showing your support! I promise to upload at least 2 more chapters by Monday since this chapter is more like a filler. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Let me know in the comments!

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