XV. Maybe This Is Possible

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Draupadi's POV


I mean that in a very nice way.

I was kind of sad a few minutes ago and now she has made me laugh like the happiest person on earth.

She dragged me to my room and got the kids to come here. And she gave them free reign over our hair.

I honestly do not think they know what they are doing but the smile on their faces.....AWWWWWWW.


" Better now?" Lili asked, concerned.

I just nooded happily.

No matter what, as long as my sister is with me, I can take on any challenge.

45 mins later

" Okay Drau, so I'll go tell Arya about the dinner thing. You go and see if mata Kunti can come join us. " She said and took off.

I hope everything goes well.

Alia's POV

"Arya , I have an idea." I said as soon as I entered our room.

He just looked at me, clearly confused.

" About the whole 'starting a convo with my brothers is the toughest thing to do' situation, Arya. By the way, how was training? Did you get to talk with them?" I asked.

" Yes darling, it was great. And no, we could only greet and smile at each other. What is your plan?" He asked.

Wait doesn't he know the plan? We discussed it this morning....? Ok anyways.

" Ask your brothers to join you for dinner under the pretense of planning everything for Khandavprasth. Then we can throw in the whole Bhrata Suyo thing." I said.

" Alright , I'll get to work." He said.

And left to tell his brother.

Honestly, I would be lying if I said i didn't feel like Drau did. I wish we had a normal start to our married life. Hopefully everything will go as per plan.

Dinner time.

Oh Mahadev! I'm pretty sure that the tension in the air cannot even be cut with a knife. All of them are sneaking glances at each other and then looking down and playing with their food. I was sitting beside Arya , who is sitting opposite to Bhrata Arjun, who is seated beside Drau, who is facing me.

At least she is right there.

Is anyone even going to talk?

" So you see my dear brothers.......I like, no. I love a woman. And I really need your help to get married." Bhrata Suyo said.

The way he said 'dear brothers' makes me want to go and hide under something.

I did not expect that. Why would he do that to himself? I mean, that is the plan but I did not expect him to do that.

"Why not just-"

" Nope cant do. Her father hates me, he would never!" Bhrata Suyo cut off Bhrata Yudhishtir's words.

" We could ask her to run away with you." Bhrata Arjun said.

" IF and only IF the princess agrees." Arya said.

" Arya, me and Draupadi will start exchanging letters with her. To ask for her consent and tell the plan, to keep her in the loop." I said .

He smiled and nodded.

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