Thank You

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Okay so before I introduce the characters and start the story, I would really like to thank a few authors who have written time travel stories that I really enjoyed reading .Thank you guys for bringing a smile to my face and inspiring me.
Do check those stories out too.

Clashed Destinies by missganguli
Destined To Be Together by missganguli
Karnanya by Tareeni07

Also thank you to everyone who decided to take a chance and read this story of mine.I'll try to update regularly.
This is my first time writing a story guys so please bear with me.

Thank you for reading. Hope you guys enjoy.
Also, I'd like to state that Hindi/sanskrit is not a language that I am really fluent in so I may not correctly use the terms. Hate comments are not welcome. But, feel free to correct any mistakes I make(in terms of terminology).  Feedback is always welcome :)

Hope you enjoy!


P.S. This storyline is completely mine. I do not intend to hurt anyone's beliefs or sentiments.

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