XI. Warm Welcomes

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Kunti's POV

Both my sons got married but I can only talk freely with Draupadi.........as my daughter in law. I really want to tell the world that Karn is MY son. But, that is not fair to Radha, who raised him all these years. I don't want the enemity between Arjun and Karn to grow for two reasons. First of all, they are brothers, it pains me to see my sons fight each other this way. Second, they married sisters, what if Draupadi and Alia are forced apart due to the tensions between their husbands ? No, I cannot let that happen. I will tell my son that I am his birth mother. If he is angry at me, it is fine, I do deserve it. If the world loses its respect for me, that is also fine. I should not have done that to Karn. No child deserves what I did to him. I need to tell him as soon as him and Alia reach Hastinapur.

Alia's POV

To say that I am nervous, would be an underdstatement. I got married, I am going to be the queen of a country, I will be away from my family and I don't really have anyone whom I really know with me , at this moment.Also, I have this really weird feeling in my stomach ever since I saw the look that Rajmata Kunti gave my husband. What did that mean? Will I do ok ? Will the people of Angdesh accept me ? Will I be a good wife ? What if Radha ma does not like me ? What if the people of Angdesh don't like me? What if-

"Are you ok Alia? " Asked the handsome man whom I now called my husband.

" You can talk, no you should talk to me about anything and everything that is bothering you. It is not really good t bottle up things within yourself. I mean, if you feel weird talking about something with me, you can always talk to Mata about it as soon as we reach but for now, don't keep things to yourself." He said.

Do I look that bad when I'm thinking about things in my head? Was it THAT obvious? Or is he just THAT good at finding out things? I'm gonna go with the second option because I don't think I am THAT easily readable.

" Well Arya (he smiled hearing that, awww my heartt) , I'm just nervous about this new life that we are about to begin. What if I am not good enough? I just want the people to feel comfortable with me. I don't want them to think that I am a proudy queen who is difficult to approach. I also want to be a good family member to my in laws. I want them to feel like I am their own daughter, not just their daughter-in-law." I said.

Karn's POV

" You see priye, the fact that you think about what the people think of you itself shows that you are going to be a great queen! I have seen the way you talked to everyone at the palace, so don't ever worry about people thinking that you are difficult to approach. People are going to love you a lot. As for my parents, they will love you a lot. They have always wanted a daughter and you are a great person. I'm pretty sure that Radha Ma is plotting ways to steal you from me right now." I said.

Why would she even think that the people won't accept her? She is such a courageous and smart woman. She has the qualities of a great queen. And plus she likes me, so of course she also has great taste.

Her gorgeous almond eyes lit up with a smile. That is how I want her to be always. I want to keep her happy so that she can always smile.

We rode in silence for a while as she admired the nature and I admired her. I just realised that she had never been out of Panchal. Maybe we should take a detour . No, it is already late and Mata would kill me if I kept Alia away from her for a long time.

Arjun's POV

I can't wait to reach the palace. All I want to do is to see Panchali but she is in the palanquin and I am riding the horse. I just want to get lost in her eyes that resembles the beautiful lotus and lose myself in the waves of her hair. (I am not really good at description guys, so bear with me)

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