XII. The truth is out

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* Guys, the Shon story mentioned here is to add more emotion. According to Mahabharat , Radha was infertile and that incident never did happen.

Kunti's POV

" How could you do this Kunti ? How could you do this to your own child ? You could have given the child up for adoption ! Or you could have told your father. He would have been angry! Yes! But he would've done something to protect the child! The child could have died Kunti ! Imagine how much he had to suffer because of you actions! I cannot even imagine how hurt he would've felt when he heard all those taunts! " Jiji cried.

" I know Jiji, I understand! Not a day goes by without me regretting that stupid decision! I was young, dumb and naive! I want to right my wrong! I need to tell my sons the truth now! I have caused enough sufferings!" I cried.

" I understand Kunti ! You were young and curious ! But that did not give you the right to let the child go that way ! But you are willing to accept your mistake and seek forgiveness! Therefore, as you sister , I forgive you! But you must be prepared for all the insults that the world will throw your way! Your sons may not accept this! Karn might not accept you as his mother! You need to accept that!" She said.

" I understand Jiji. I will accept that as my punishment for the sin that I have committed." I said.

" What do you think Mahamahim?" Jiji asked.

I feel too ashamed to even look at him. He would be too upset with me.

" I knew this long time ago putri." He said, very calmly.

" How Mahamahim?" What? How did he know?

" That is the job of the spies. But you see Kunti, even if you tell them and I accept this, the Sabha may not accept Karn as a descendent of Kuru! And he himself may step out of Hastinapur! " He said.

" I will beg him for forgiveness mahamahim! If he does not wish to stay in the same place as me, I will leave. I do not will to cause him any sort of sadness or trouble anymore! " I said.

" Very well Kunti, tell him today evening. I will ask Dhridhrashtr to postpone the announcement of Yuvraj! If not, Karn and his wife will leave for Angdesh today itself. Go to the royal gardens in three hours. Karn will meet you there. " He said and left.

Oh God! Please help me to right all my wrongs.

I hugged Jiji and cried my heart out while preparing myself for the moment of truth.

Karn's POV

Why did mahamahim ask me to go to the royal gardens? I mean it is a surprise that that man came to talk to me! I have always respected him but he......he has tried his best to not acknowledge me in any way, shape or form! I do not like him by any means,no. He is a man who believes in casteism without actually knowing anything about it. So, I don't like hi. But I respect his skills and brains. Anyways, why the royal gardens? What is going to happen?

Alia's POV

I have been cooped up in my room to avoid Arya at all costs. I don't want to tell him anything, because it is not my place to do so. But , I also don't want him to go through the hurt. Drau went out a while ago to try and find out what was going to happen now. Me on the other hand........I am just being completely useless right now. I don't know what is going to happen in Hastinapur.

What if Rajkumar Duryodhan wishes to end their friendship just because Arya is the eldest Pandava? That would break him. Completely. I know how much he values his friendship with Rajkumar Duryodhan. He mentioned his name at least 5 times yesterday. Oh Mahadev! Please help us all !

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