XIII. Conflicted Hearts - II

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Duryodhan's POV






" Mitr? Suyo say something ! I promise you, I am not going to just switch to the Pandavas side. I would never do that to you. I am clueless as it is. Trust Me-"

" How could you even say that ? Do you think I would throw away our friendship over this ? No Way ! I support you Mit- No, not Mitr. I support you Bhrata. You are my brother, my Jyesht Bhrata . will stand by you. It is hard to digest the fact, but I accept it. " I said.

Mitr- NO. Jyesht's eyes had tears in them.

" Thank you for accepting me Suyo. I don't really know what to do or how to do things now ! I don't know what people are going to say ! I am not worried about what they are going to say about me. I am worried about Alia, Radha Ma , Pitashree and even Mata Kunti. I am used to all the taunting, but they are not." He cried.

" Do not worry about all that too much Mit- Jyesht. Sorry, that is going to take a while to get used to. But yea, don't bother too much about people. I won't let them say anything stupid. I'll always have your back! "

He put his hand on my shoulder and nodded. We started to walk to the court. Today is going to be an extremely long day.

Alia's POV

" I hope everything turns out fine." I told my sister for what I think is the hundredth time.

" Me too Lili." She said.

" Angrani, Rajkumari it time to go to the sabha again." a servant informed us.

" Thank you Jiji." I said and smiled at her. We went to the court and joined Rajmata and Maharani.

Rajkumar Duryodhan and Arya stood together with calm expressions, so I think the the talk went well. They both shot a smile at me, so it definitely went well.

Time skip to after Kunti tells everyone.

This silence is way too loud and it also seems to be never ending. Me and Drau have been squeezing each others' hand periodically to reassure ourselves.

" He can never be accepted as a member of the royal family Rajmata. He is an illegitimate child and therefore he does not really have a father." Mahamantri Vidur said.


To say I am raging is an understatement. How is that his fault? Plus, he had a mother doesn't he? Isn't that enough?

" That is not acceptable Mahamantri ! In that case neither my father, Maharaj or you can be considered descendants of the Kuru dynasty since you were all actually sired by Rishi Vyas. That means none of us present here, neither the Pandavas nor the Kauravas are actually members od the royal family. Plus, Jyesht is a boon from Suryadev. Suryadev is his father. How can you call him fatherless?" Rajkumar Yudhishtir said.

Mahamantri looked beaten.

" Karn should be given recognition as a member of the royal family. Maybe not Yuvraj, but he should be a prince." Mahamahim said.

Why not Yuvraj? Does my husband not posses enough good qualities? What does he lack?

" Jyesht should be made Yuvraj, mahamahim. I do not want the throne. I reject it." Rajkumar Duryodhan said.

" I also reject the throne maharaj. Jyesht is the eldest. He should be made Yuvraj." Rajkumar Yudhishtir said.

Cool kids.

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