Iris Lily Potter (different from Trans Iris, Harry's Twin) is the younger sister of Harry Potter, born on 17 May 1981. Her godmother died, like Harry's godmother, and Remus was her godfather, but believed he would be too dangerous to take care of her and he thought she would be okay with her aunt and uncle. She was born deafblind, and had no pupils, her irises looked like the moon.

She tapped words to Harry until she was 5 years old, where they started using sign language, because she could sense magic, and the magic in him. At 7 she started speaking, and at 9 Harry taught her parseltongue after he first spoke it unknowingly and she found out.

Because she could sense the magic in plants (even non-magical ones) she spent a lot of time in the garden, and even used magic to make them grow properly. Thus, that became her chore since it was the only thing she could do (according to the Dursleys) and she was very good at it.

She later learned to send her magic out and cover an object to be able to sense it, which allowed her to read any book, not just braille. She also liked to levitate objects and even rotated them as a form of playing.

She eventually got her hands on Dudley's old rubik's cube that he hardly even touched, and started solving it with her hands first, but then only with magic, rotating only specific parts while keeping the rest in place, which turned out to be very difficult. But after a while she could solve a cube incredibly quickly.

She learned Gobbledegook after she first visited Gringott's when Harry got his letter. And then she learned Mermish when she found out the Black Lake next to Hogwarts has merfolk. During that visit, she got an enchanted bag with an undetectable extension charm that only opens for the owner and bought a hundred books, including the school textbooks, which she read that year. She got a couple books on alchemy, mental magic, occlumency, how to improve memory and thinking, and books about the soul.

Right before her first year at Hogwarts, she got a pet snake that liked to curl around her arms and neck like a scarf. She didn't bother to buy a wand, because she'd been using magic just fine without one before that.

At Flourish And Blotts, she could sense the Invisible Book Of Invisibility (she didn't notice them the first time because a lot of books have magic on them). When the owner of the store found out, he offered her one sickle for each book she finds. She agreed, but only if she could keep the first one for free. He agreed. She found 170 of them, excluding the first one, and got ten galleons and the book for her effort.

Lucius Malfoy had slipped her the diary instead of Ginny. She didn't notice because it slipped behind her copy of The Invisible Book Of Invisibility, the magic of which blocked the magic of the diary. Her relationship with Tom Riddle, was similar to Lucy Rochester's with him (from Huffily Puffily). When she found out he didn't like being called Tom, she started calling him Marv.

She was sorted into Ravenclaw and didn't have a roommate (the dorms being two beds per room). Everyone thought she was the Heir Of Slytherin because of her snake, even more so when they found out Harry speaks parseltongue, after which she openly spoke it instead of hiding it like she used to, only speaking it in her dorm.

She set Lockhart on fire when he removed Harry's bones. Fake fire, it didn't burn nor produce heat, but the visual effect itself was annoying, especially since it lasted a week.

She had become very close to Marv, surprisingly. She did a lot of research and managed to sever his connection with Voldemort and unlocked his love, which was sealed by the love potion. She then persuaded him to stop the petrifications, but knew the school would be in chaos until the one responsible was found. She then managed to find a way to remove him from the diary and put him in her bracelet.

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