10v2 Auxiliary

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Eight Element Herbs:
Eight extremely rare and powerful herbs. Each takes 100 million years to mature.

Found in extremely cold places, like the north pole, that usually have ice magic storms around them, killing most things instantly. Upon consumption, you can survive no matter how cold or hot it is, but gradually your body turns blue and slowly freezes to death.

Found in extremely hot places, like the centre of the earth, where most things cannot get to. Upon consumption, you can survive no matter how hot or cold it is, but gradually your body turns red and slowly melts to death. If taken after the Ice Element Herb, can stop you from freezing or melting, but leaves your body very fragile. Can still survive extreme temperatures, but not as extreme as before.

Found in places of extreme earth, like the centre of the densest rock in the world, which is nearly impossible to break. Upon consumption, greatly increases your body's endurance and stability, but you slowly start to crack and crumble until death. If taken after the Ice and Fire Element Herbs, can reduce your fragility.

Found in places of extreme waters, like the bottom of the ocean with extremely high pressure and fast water currents that rip almost anything to pieces. Upon consumption, greatly improves your healing ability, but your body gradually liquefies until you become a puddle and die. If taken after Ice, Fire and Earth Element Herbs, can reduce the cracking and crumbling.

Found in extremely windy places, like the top of the tallest mountain where the winds can cut almost anything to shreds instantly. Upon consumption, greatly increases your stamina and effectives when you exert yourself, but over time you swell up until your explode. If taken after Ice, Fire, Earth and Water Element Herbs, can dry up the body to not liquefy.

Found in places of extreme lightning, like a places with a massive magical storm where lightning constantly strikes. Most things are reduced to ashes before they can get close. Upon consumption, greatly increases strength, reflexes and ability to think, but gradually your body's cells get broken down. If taken after Ice, Fire, Earth, Water and Air Element Herbs, can stop the swelling.

Found in places of extreme darkness, like a cave that has never seen light with a special atmosphere that doesn't allow any light or sound to travel farther than 10cm which drives most people insane within half an hour and within an hour suffocates you. Upon consumption, greatly improves your memory and reduces your need for sleep, but gradually you become insane until you die. If taken after Ice, Fire, Earth, Water, Wind and Lightning Element Herbs, can stop the cells from breaking down.

Found in places of extreme light, like in the middle of the dessert where lightning had struck to turn the sand into glass that reflects sunlight to the plant. Most things are incinerated by the light before they can come close. Upon consumption greatly increases energy efficiency and reduces the need to eat, but gradually you wither until death. If taken after Ice, Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Lightning and Shadow Element Herbs, can stop you from becoming insane.

Sage's Heart:
Makes one unaging and increases ability to heal. If made after the Eight Element Herbs were consumed, stops the body from withering. Preferred to incorporate the Eight Element Herbs into the Sage's Heart before it's put in the body. Recommended to put it under a fidelius charm. All parts are untransfigurable, unvanishable, unconjurable, unsummonable, unbanishable unfreezable and unmeltable. Allows you to sense, store and control modern, ancient, primal, primeval and primordial magic.

Beats off-rhythm to move Sage Blood through Sage Veins. Literally a second heart, so if your normal heart is destroyed you don't die. It is indestructible. A soul can be bonded with it and safeguarded inside it, once that happens no other soul can enter or interact with it. Only Sage Blood created by that specific Sage Heart can enter and exit it. It is completely unpermeable to anything else.

Complex structure inside the entire body that helps transport Sage Blood to your organs.

Vastly improves and strengthens cells (puts a type of magic liquid inside the cell, so it can be used in tandem with spells / potions that cover cells with magic to improve them like a strengthening spell / potion) and organs. Has an extremely good healing ability. Causes you to no longer age once you reach peak physical maturity, around 25 years old. If you have it before then, you age until then, then stop aging. If you get it after then, your body actually gradually becomes younger until you're at peak physical maturity again, 'reverse aging' you. Makes you completely immune to all curses, poisons, diseases, illnesses and cancer.

Types Of Magic:
All made of mana. Different structures. Magic starts out very chaotic, but as civilizations use magic and make it more structured, it changes over time to reflect that, but only for that world and its surroundings. In most other places the magic stays chaotic.

Very well-structured magic that is very easy to control and understand. Most mages use this magic in modern times. Used from around 3000 years ago.

Well-structured magic that is easy to control and understand. Only a handful of mages use this magic in modern times. Used from around 10 000 B.C.E. to 1000 B.C.E.

Mildly structured magic that requires some effort to control and understand. Only Ennara uses this magic in modern times, and Mirabel once she got a Sage's Heart. Used from around 1 million B.C.E. to 10 000 B.C.E.

Somewhat chaotic magic that is hardly structured and is difficult to control and understand. Only after Ennara and Mirabel got Sage's Hearts could they sense and use this magic, making them the only two people who use it in modern times, until their children learn how to do it with their Philosopher's Hearts. Used from around 100 million B.C.E. to 1 million B.C.E.

Extremely chaotic magic with no structure at all that has been around since the creation of the universe, or even before that. Because it's so chaotic, it is extremely difficult to handle, control and use. Even just trying to understand it is very difficult. Only after Ennara and Mirabel got Sage's Hearts could they sense and use this magic, making them the only two people who use it in modern times. Used from the beginning of the universe, or earlier, until 100 million B.C.E.

Philosopher's Heart:
All children of Ennara and Mirabel, two immortals with a Sage's Heart each, have a Philosopher's Heart. It is similar to a Sage's Heart, but weaker. People with a Philosopher's Heart have a 50% chance of passing it on when with someone without one, but 100% when with someone with one (after many generations and they're genetically far enough away, no incest). Ennara and Mirabel are pregnant for 12 years instead of 9 months. Their descendants or their spouses are pregnant for 3 years 9 months (45 months). For first generation children with a Pure Philosopher's Heart allows them to sense, store and control modern, ancient, primal and primeval magic, but not primordial magic. From second generation descendants and onwards allows them to sense, store and control modern, ancient and primal magic, but not primeval or primordial magic. All the descendants with a Philosopher's Heart have startlingly white irises, which they got from Ennara, but they still have pupils.

Beats to move Philosopher's blood through Philosopher's Veins. Literally a second heart, so if your normal heart is destroyed you don't die. It is not indestructible. A Pure Heart is more difficult to destroy than a Normal Heart. A soul cannot be bonded with it and safeguarded inside it. No soul can enter, exit or interact with it. Only (Pure) Philosopher's Blood created by that specific (Pure) Philosopher's Heart can enter and exit it. It is completely unpermeable to anything else.

Complex structure inside the entire body that helps transport Philosopher's Blood to your organs.

Blood (Pure):
Greatly improves and strengthens cells and organs, but not nearly as much as Sage Blood. Has a rather good healing ability. Causes you to no longer age once you reach peak physical maturity, around 25 years old. If you acquire it after then, you stop aging, but don't 'reverse age'. Makes you mostly resistant to all curses, poisons, diseases, illnesses and cancer.

Blood (Normal):
Improves and strengthens cells and organs, but not as much as Pure Philosopher's Blood. Has a fairly good healing ability. Causes you to age 100 times slower, but only after you reach peak physical maturity at age 25, before then you age as normal. Makes you resistant to all curses, poisons, diseases, illnesses and cancer.

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