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WARNING! Has some gruesome elements!


A woman is Tom Riddle's Best Friend. She knows he's Voldemort. She knows he's killed people. She helps him vent his frustration in more, let's say, pleasurable ways, rather than killing or torturing. They're not romantically involved, though, not at all. Nobody else knew they were intimate. They didn't act like they were. They never mentioned it. They never got caught. People only knew her as Voldemort's best friend. She calls him Marv, though.

She becomes pregnant with his child (the child can love, as she was not born out of falsified love), a girl, in early February, so she's about three months pregnant by May. While pregnant, all she thought of was her daughter. She realised Tom was losing, and thus made a decision. A choice she would never regret.

Maybe a different version where Voldemort makes her unborn baby a horcrux, so when Voldemort duels Harry in the great hall, she appears, petrifies Voldemort and asks Harry to kill the unborn baby, because she can't bring herself to do it. Kingsley offers to do it and uses Bombarda Maxima at point blank range on her belly button, completely destroying her stomach, ripping her legs of and killing the baby.

She, being immortal, takes her legs back and heals, then cries over her baby. McGonagall comforts her. She directs her attention to Voldemort because he caused this, walks up to him in hysterics and asks why. He, with his mouth being able to move, says she's still alive because she has her blood.

The woman goes back to her baby and sees she's indeed still alive, and no longer a horcrux, with the soul-piece being destroyed. She cuts herself open and puts her baby back into her uterus and heals the umbilical cord and the cut. Then she watches as Harry kills Voldemort with his own spell. She gives birth on Hallowe'en to a healthy baby girl and names her middle name Minerva, because McGonagall comforted her when she most needed it, and she also actively helped her after that. (Maybe the girl is born deaf-blind, and it's caused by her dying as a three month-grown fetus.) Her first name is, don't know yet, think of it.

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