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Aiona Arsinoe Granger, born 17 May 1981, younger sister of Hermione Jean Granger, Ravenclaw. She's lesbian.

She became best friends with a goblin girl, Renna, niece of Oldruk, the goblin who helped her exchange muggle money for magical money when Hermione got her Hogwarts letter. She learned Gobbledegook very quickly. Renna is asexual.

Renna introduced her to Allea, a merfolk girl who lives in the lake next to the goblin village. Aiona soon learned Mermish as well and the three became very close. Allea is straight, and later dates a centaur boy, Rone, from the forest next to the lake and the goblin village.

When she learned that they are not allowed to use wands, she refused to use one herself and didn't even buy one. She even refuses to touch one.

She loves languages, and so when she found out that Harry speaks Parseltongue, she asked him to teach her. She then created a written form for it, which is loopy and swirly, even snakes can easily write it with their tails, and parselmouths and snakes can naturally read it. During the summer of 1993, she got a purple snake and named her Delphinia, after the purple flower Delphinium. Delphinia liked resting around Aiona's neck, like a scarf. She learns all languages she can.

Aiona makes a bracelet for Allea that surrounds her with water and allows her to traverse on land. Together, Aiona, Renna, Allea and Rone go to the Quidditch World Cup.

She created Fascanteis, a magical language that all races can speak. You need to use magic to use it, to change your voice's pitch to match your magic wavelength. The written form is different for everyone, as it uses your magic wavelength as a base, but they are still similar. Each word (spoken and written) has a meaning and concept embedded in it, so even if you don't know the language at all, you can still understand it.

At age 17, she became immortal by gaining a Sage's Heart with her own effort and research.

She became an activist for equality of all races. She later makes The Rights Of All Races, which will ensure that all races (including elves) are treated equally. When the Ministry Of Magic refused to accept her requests, she demanded it through force.

She led what would later be known as The Lone Rebellion (age 24, 2005), in which she single-handedly took down the Ministry Of Magic and established The Peoples' Republic Of The Arcane (PROTA), which is ruled by a council that has an equal number of each race as representatives and has people of all races working in its government. Its headquarters was inside a cliff overlooking a big lake with a forest next to it. Fascanteis is the official language. Even after that, she still didn't get or use a wand, but that was mostly because she was in the habit of using wandless magic and had no real need for a wand.

She was the first muggle-born representative on the council, but didn't really like politics, so she didn't apply again when her term ended and Hermione took her place. There is also a mage-born (at least 1 magical parent; the child of a muggle-born counts as mage-born) representative.

All council representatives (except Aiona) were chosen through popular vote by their own race (specifically, only those who they represent) and must do an election once every seven years, but they can run for council-member as many times as they want.

Aiona (age 26, 2007) established a magical school for all races near the PROTA headquarters, and then (age 28, 2009) a little town next to it, and later (age 31, 2012) a magic university there as well.

Hogwarts still exists, and most human mages go there, but some choose to go to the all-races school instead, and there is an exchange program as well for Hogwarts and international students.

There is a primary school where they teach necessary things, like maths, Fascanteis and basic laws and responsibilities, for ages 7 to 10. Then there is the high school where they teach many things, the subjects at Hogwarts and other races' subjects, and also muggle subjects like physics and chemistry as electives, for ages 11 to 18.

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