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Spirit Realm: A realm filled with spirits, and a miasma that slowly eats away at any living being, sort of dissolving them.

The Spirit Realm is where vestiges (spirits) go, the memories and personality of people and animals who died, while their soul goes to the next life. The vestiges are also slowly dissolved by the miasma until they become a type of vicious beast that tries to eat other vestiges to complete itself, to replace what has been dissolved.

When Kerra, a living being with body, soul and spirit (memories and personality) appeared, they thought she was an extremely delectable meal and attacked her on sight to eat her.

A half-centaur, half-thestral girl was born on 17 May 1981. She had a skeletal reptilian horse-like lower body with scaly wings like a thestral with a human-like upper body with slightly grey skin and a thin body and gaunt face. Her hair was sort of wavy and flowy and so black that when you looked at it for too long it felt as if you would fall into the void. Her father is Tenebrus, Hagrid's favourite thestral. Her name is Kerra, named after the Keres, Death Spirits in Greek Mythology, who were also called Tenebrae in Latin.

Her eyes had irises, but no pupils. Her irises were white like a Thestral's. She had little horns on her head. Her tail was also reptilian, like a thestral's, not like a centaur's hair-tail, but it did have some hairs in a tuft at the end, like a zebra's. She had rather sharp fangs, but they were shorter than a thestral's, though longer than a human's.

She had trouble talking to others, because most people couldn't see or hear her, as they had to have seen death to be able to see and hear her, and those that could see and hear her were often frightened by her appearance. She could talk like a human, though her voice was subtly ethereal, and she could also make the shriek-like noises of a thestral.

She was omnivorous, unlike thestrals that are carnivorous, but she did like meat and was attracted by the smell of blood. She had a very good sense of smell, she could even differentiate the species and tell if it's Hagrid or a different human. Her favourite food was fried chicken.

She had an amazing sense of direction and was very good in tracking, she need only think of someone or some place to find them or it, even if others told her the name or place and she was before unaware of the thing, she could still find it.

She was incredibly fast while flying (much faster than even a firebolt) and covered vast distances while barely beating her wings, a special type of movement magic she got from thestrals, which she learned how to apply even while walking.

She was also quite adept at magic, mostly healing, movement, transfiguration and illusion magic. She later became adept enough with illusion magic to show her appearance and voice to all others in her vicinity, not just those that have seen death.

She knew Hagrid since she was little and he often told her stories when he fed the thestrals. He was very surprised when he first saw her, because he was unaware that Tenebrus had fallen in love with a centaur woman and she him. She and her mother spent most of their time with the thestrals, as the centaurs didn't like when thestrals went too close to them and her mother didn't want to separate her from her father.

She later met and befriended Luna Lovegood and became very close to her. Luna introduced her to Harry when she was fourteen. He was stunned at first, but quickly became friendly. Harry later introduced Neville to her as well, when he found out that Neville could see thestrals.

When Hermione and Harry led Umbridge into the Forbidden Forest, she sniffed as she smelled the blood on them, then said, "Blood. Human. Not Hagrid." Then she ran off into their direction and helped Harry and Hermione.

Maybe: (She got upset when Ron called thestrals, "mad horse things" and lifted him up with one hand. Harry mediated the situation. She went with them to the Department Of Mysteries and she sensed death coming, so with her movement magic she ran and pushed Sirius out of the way and got hit instead, and went into the Veil. She, being tied closely to death, didn't enter the afterlife, but instead the Spirit Realm. By fighting and overcoming many extremely difficult challenges, she managed to break back through to the Realm Of The Living, with her physical form, and appeared at the place she was most comfortable, where she met all her friends in the Forbidden Forest, right before the Battle Of Hogwarts started. [In this version Sirius lives.])

She joined the battle Of Hogwarts and ran through with her movement magic, saving whoever she could and fighting against bad guys. After the battle far more students could see her and she was often seen interacting with others. She managed to save Remus, Tonks, Colin and Lavender, among others, but couldn't save Fred.

She almost always had a book with her, as she started selling some unicorn hair she got in the forest at shops in Hogsmeade, and bought some clothes, bags, books, potion-making equipment and ingredients. She quickly learned how to extend the bags so that she can carry more books. She was banished from the centaur tribe for her human-like actions, but she didn't care as she was fast becoming very good with magic and making potions, and could take care of herself.

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