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Main Character (Ennara?) is born in 15 000 BCE, during the Ice Age (Upper Paleolithic Stone Age). There were magic storms back then, very common. They still exist, rarely, and only really in extreme environments. She was the first ever mage. (Far Cry Primal is in 10 000 BCE, so its language is closest to what would be spoken here). She has a sentimental bead necklace.

She was frozen in ice in the North Pole until Newt Scamander goes there in 1955 to search for rare and unique animals. He felt the magic from afar but couldn't get closer because of the cold, so he asked Dumbledore for help, who managed to get to her on 17 May 1955 (5×17×23).

The first ever seer (back then like a shaman to the gods) got a vision of her going north to find a rare plant and told her to go get it. Then she went looking for the rare plant and found it, but the moment she uprooted it, she was encased in ice. She was trapped by a massive frozen magic storm. She was actually in a relationship with the seer. She later found out that just after she got frozen a massive storm came over the place and everyone had died, she realised that her lover had given up her own chance to live for her.

In the time she was frozen, she completely absorbed the plant. The moment the absorption was complete (around noon on Tuesday 17 May 1955), the outer shell of the frozen magic storm around her exploded, breaking through the surface of the ice she was buried within and unleashing massive amounts of cold magic. The inner shell of the frozen magic storm was still completely frozen as ice.

Newt Scamander was returning a rare frost creature to its habitat when the explosion happened. He, luckily, was only just outside the periphery and only got sent back a few meters. He couldn't get close to the magic frost storm without freezing himself to death, no matter which spell he tried. So he apparated 17 times straight to Hogwarts to get Dumbledore.

The ice was impossible to melt with magic, even fiendfyre. Dumbledore had to take her to a volcano to melt the ice, as breaking it was also not an option, nearly impossible. When it melted completely, she took a deep breath, and stayed asleep.

Dumbledore, shocked that she was still alive, immediately took her to St. Mungo's for healing. She woke up 7 months, 2 days later, on 19 December (6³, 216 days). Dumbledore was visiting her when she woke up. She freaked out from all the modern things and accidentally unleashed her magic and defended against Dumbledore, who she thought aimed to harm her. It took a while, but he managed to calm her down.

She was no longer in her own clothes and checked to make sure they didn't take her innocence. Then she frantically gestured at her clothes and they realised she must want her own, so they pointed at a cupboard and she retrieved her bead necklace and put it on with relief.

Dumbledore arranged for her to live with and be taught by the Prewetts, Molly's parents (she was around 6 years old then). She was taught modern knowledge and English over the span of a few months.

On 17 May 1956, Dumbledore visited her and gave her a gift, saying it'd been one year since she was unfrozen. Considering she didn't have the concept of a birthday, Dumbledore chose that day as her birthday. Her age, however, remained unknown.

They soon find out she can speak Elfish, the language of house elves. Because they live much longer than humans, their language didn't change as much. To them it's like she speaks Olde English, so they can still understand each other.

Turns out she was best friends with a legendary figure of elfish folklore (Evenna), who is basically the elven equivalent of Merlin. She is also legendary, known as the 'First Witch' to the elves. She had taught Evenna magic, who passed it on to other elves, who taught all the other races.

She had a particular scar from when the elvish settlement, Ellador, was attacked by a rather nasty dragon. When the house elves saw the scar they truly believed her to be Ennara, which shocked them because she was said to live seventeen thousand years ago.

She has a magically concealed and preserved home with all her clothes, weapons, tools, equipment, research and discoveries (mostly in the form of paintings, with some carved and / or painted writings, of a written language she made and only she knows) and rare animal and plant ingredients (both preserved magically). She decides to visit it (with someone?). She has a very strange form of apparition, maybe?

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