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Elena Dursley was born deafblind on 17 May 1981. She mostly communicated with Block Spelling. She would write capital letters on someone's palm and they would write on hers. Later she told her mother she's bored all the time, and then her mother asked her pediatrician for advice, who recommended braille, so she could read interesting books.

After she learned braille, she started using it for communication instead of block spelling. Her thumb to pinky acount for the first through fifth dots, while her palm is the sixth. She presses the relevant ones against someone elses, and vice versa, to communicate. Called braille-tap.

Perhaps because she was born deafblind, she could sense magic. However, with everyone around her being muggles, that hardly counts for anything because she could hardly sense them. Until, that is, Harry arrived. She could sense him much easier, and thus she spent more time with him. Because of that they became close.

On her 11th birthday, she got an invitation to attend Hogwarts. Her parents allowed her to go, only in the hope that perhaps magic can cure her deafblindness, because muggle science and medicine could not.

Hogwarts arranged an interpreter / guide / tutor for her, Tulip Karasu, who had recently graduated. Tulip took the role seriously and learned braille before she even began the role, to be able to write instructions for Elena if she wants it written. Tulip also quickly learned how to braille-tap, when she found out that's primarily how Elena communicates.

    Maybe: (Upon learning that, the Hogwarts staff agreed it would be much better if they shared a room, because only Tulip could understand her. Because of that, however, the room was not in Ravenclaw tower, and because she could only talk to Tulip and nobody else (Harry was usually too busy to talk to her), she didn't really make friends with anyone else. She didn't mind, however, because the two quickly became close from spending so much time together.)
    Otherwise: (She shared a dorm with Luna and a few others. They communicated with her with block spelling, which she disliked because of how slow it was. Therefore, she mostly spent her time with Tulip and was hardly ever at her dorm or with her dormmates, thus she didn't really become friends with them, but she didn't mind, because she became close with Tulip from spending so much time together.)

Tulip temporarily enchanted library books with the pop-up braille spell for Elena whenever she wants to read from a book. She also transfigured her schedules every year to have braille, since none of the other professors know braille.

(Considering having her be the Hogwarts Triwizard Chamion, but I'm not sure. Really leaning to yes, because then she can really improve a lot and learn and make new spells because of the pressure, like a magic radar to detect physical objects, or maybe even the mana web already, she began to make an effort to develop a mental map sometime after she learned that. She improved her magic sense too. She practised her duelling a lot, with enchanted statues, and became rather good, enabling her to survive the incident at the graveyard.)

She was going to learn the latin alphabet and how to write it prettily, and then a spell to enchant a quill to write for her in her third year, but the Triwizard Tournament preoccupied her too much, so she only learned it in her fourth year. She still has to ask Tulip to proof-read what she writes, to ensure that it's actually what she wanted to write and the spell didn't go wrong.

In her fourth year, Elena's magic sense became accurate enough to be sense the movement of the throat, tongue and lips. Which allowed her to start deducing what others were saying.

She also started practising, in private, how to talk and managed to be able to do that in her fifth year. However, she didn't actually talk or say anything, because she was afraid she would lose Tulip, who she had grown feelings for. Undecided whether or not she would be a prefect, leaning towards no.

In what was supposed to be her sixth year, the war happened. Because she was a muggle-born, under-age and Harry Potter's cousin, she had to hide. Tulip offered her own home, but Elena refused, saying it would be too dangerous. Tulip persisted, and Elena gave in only on the promise that Tulip would put a fidelius charm on her house, which she did. Elena hardly practiced talking that year, because she was afraid Tulip would hear her.

The two became even closer during this time. Tulip would have the magic radio on, and would convey what it says to Elena. When news of the Battle Of Hogwarts came, Tulip wanted to go, but Elena said it's too dangerous. Tulip said she knows, but she'll go in anyway, if it means she can save even one person.

Elena then asked who will save her, to which Tulip didn't reply, making Elena say she'll go with her, which made Tulip angry, mostly because she's under-age. She took Elena's wand and left, to go fight in the war. Elena stayed up all night, sitting against the door with great amounts of worry.

When Tulip finally returned in the early hours of the morning, she quickly jumped up to her and hugged her, tapping on her palm, "I thought I lost you." She had tears in her eyes and was shaking really badly. Tulip hugged her back and just tapped, "I'm here. I won't go. I am with you." Tulip quickly filled Elena in on what had happened, and she was shocked. She asked to visit Harry soon.

When Elena went to Hogwarts for her sixth year, Tulip went with her as her guide. They spent Christmas together at Tulip's parents' house. Shortly after the Christmas break, they kissed, and Elena said her first words, "Tulip, I love you." The words were shaky and difficult to come out and understand, but Tulip was shocked.

She asked Elena how she could talk, so Elena explained how she could sense her throat, tongue and lips, and discern the movements, and mimic them. Right after, Elena had tears in her eyes and held Tulip closely, saying, "Please don't go."

But it was unintelligible because of the crying and shaking, so she had to tap the words. Tulip said she isn't going anywhere, she is with her, and kissed Elena's forehead, then cheek, then lips, and then asked her to be her girlfriend, to which Elena agreed. They kissed once more, then Elena blushed and said, "You said you are with me. Then be with me." They may or may not have done some intimate things then and in their / Tulip's room at Hogwarts.

Undecided whether or not she'll be head girl. Leaning towards yes. She was in Ginny and Luna's year, but because she missed an entire year, she's now a year below them.

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