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A girl from an ancient family of Keepers. They keep the original Book Of Life & Death, which records every birth and death in the world, for all sapient species. There's one copy in each country, but they only know that country's births. The original sends the information via Protean charm.

In that family when a woman is around 25 she gets married and has a child then around 30 both parents disappear, either dying or retreating to the family home. The child is sent to live with someone else. This could be in any country in the world.

The book records both births and deaths as they happen, and it includes the location. For births it also includes the parents and anything that makes the birth abnormal (any birth defects or special powers like metamorphmagus or natural legilimency or the ability to see ancient magic, and whether or not the baby was conceived through a love potion, entrancing charm, imperius curse or force) and for deaths it includes the method of death and the killer, if there is one. This information is extremely valuable, especially for evil people.

When she's around four, her mother sends her to live with Professor McGonagall, because she is being hunted by enemies. The mother dies soon after and McGonagall adopts and raises her as her own daughter. The young girl has the original book. Only members of her family can open and read the book.

Also, all the Keeper family's children are female, because all the members are lesbian and the family has a way for women to biologically have a child together, which means the child will always have two X chromosomes, and be female.

(Another version where all the women in the family are actually the same woman, an immortal. She does this to learn more about magic and the world. Might write it so that the audience isn't actually aware of that for a long time.)

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