Main Character is a river troll, who may or may not have memories of her past life, and used her troll magic to strengthen her brain and then studiee and improved on her magic. Normal river trolls strengthened their muscles, bones and / or skin, which was perhaps the reason why they are so big and she so small.

River trolls also have tusks and small stubbed horns on their heads, whereas she doesn't have tusks, and her horns are not stubbed but actual horns. River trolls also have purple skin, a trait which she shares, though her skin is a little more purple and her hair is dark purple instead of the usual black.

Other than her horns and purple skin and hair, she looks exactly like a human and has the exact same proportions, though she is a little bit taller than the average. Because of this, she looks like a half river troll half human, even though she's completely a river troll.

She met a girl, Lucille (Lucy), from Hogwarts who entered the Forbidden Forest and they became friends. Her friend taught her a little bit, like the alphabet, how to count and the days of the week.

Main Character named herself Aster because according to the centaurs they bloomed unusually brightly on the day she was born, and it's her favourite flower.

In early September 1992 Aster befriended a Hogwarts girl. On 1 February 1993, she introduced Aster to Dumbledore who allowed her to study at Hogwarts the next year (she turns 11 on 17 May 1993).

Dumbledore said she needed a surname and she chose Cielull, an anagram for Lucille. Ciel means sky and lull means to calm, so Cielull means Sky That Calms. She said Lucy is her first friend, and basically her family. Lucy was very touched by this. Or Vetiene (from Vetiti Tenebris; Forbidden Dark) Or 'de Silva' (latin for From / Of The Forest)

Dumbledore gave her a black hooded cloak, on which he added two undetectable extension charms just the right size for her horns. After she went to buy clothes, she boughther own hooded cloak, dark purple to match her hair, and asked her caretaker to enchant it with the undetectable extension charms like Dumbledore did, then asked them to return Dumbledore's cloak to him.

Dumbledore asked McGonagall to have her stay at her cottage in Hogsmeade until the start of term, and she obliged. He also hired Lupin to take care of and teach her considering she was raised by a river troll and has little to no education and common sense. He gave Lupin a salary of 30 galleons per month plus the wolfsbane potion (worth 20 galleons per month), made by Snape.

Dumbledore gave this as funding for the girl:
- 20 Galleons for food
- 5 Galleons for daily necessities
- 30 Galleons for clothes:
-- 3 pairs each of: Shirt (1 galleon), Underwear (3 galleons), Socks (8 Sickles)
-- 2 pairs each of: Pants (2 Galleons)
-- 1 pair each of: Skirt (2 Galleons), Robes (3 Galleons), Jumper (3 Galleons), Shoes (3 Galleons), Gloves (1 Galleon), Belt (10 Sickles)
- 20 Galleons for educational purposes:
-- 7 books (2 galleons and 7 sickles): The Tales Of Beedle The Bard; A Children's Anthology Of Monsters; The Healer's Helpmate; Great Wizarding Events Of The Twentieth Century; Practical Household Magic; Quidditch Through The Ages (14 Sickles and 3 Knuts); Curses And Counter-Curses (or, A Compendium Of Common Curses And Their Counter-Actions).
-- 1 Quill (5 Sickles)
-- 1 Inkpot (5 Sickles)
-- Parchment (2 Galleons worth)
-- World Map (5 Sickles)
-- British Map (4 Sickles)
(((All prices invalid, to be recalculated)))
When she received her Hogwarts Letter:
- 50 Galleons for everything

Lupin offered to buy her a pet for her birthday. She asked for a female black cat and named her Noir, then thanked Lupin. She started calling him Uncle Bunny, because Lupin sounds like Lapin.

The first time Snape came to give Lupin the wolfsbane potion, she mistook it for a Wideye potion and apologised to Lupin for exhausting him so much and using all his energy. Lupin told her it's not her fault and that he was tired because of his condition.

He then said that it was not a Wideye Potion, but a Wolfsbane potion that he needs to drink because he's a werewolf. She wondered what will happen if it's paired with a Wit-Sharpening Potion or a Wideye Potion or a sleeping potion on the night of the full moon or what will happen if he only drank those with no wolfsbane potion.

She also wondered what would happen if a werewolf took polyjuice potion to turn into a non-werewolf and continued drinking it for the duration of the full moon. She concluded they would probably not become a werewolf.

She also said that considering werewolves are just humans who are cursed, and since it seems that the curse is based on transfiguration, that they could be untransfigured, which was proven to be true as the Homorphus Charm can indeed turn a werewolf back into human form, albeit only for a very short duration.

But, considering it's possible to make an object untransfigurable, if werewolves can become untransfigurable, then they will effectively be cured of their monthly transformations, but will likely still experience lethargy the week before and the week after the full moon.

She said that to learn how to make a living creature untransfigurable, they can study Quintapeds who are untransfigurable.

Lupin then excitedly tried to take her to Dumbledore to share her idea, but she said not without her cloak. He said there's no time and continues dragging her. She, with her great strength, planted her feet to the ground and stopped him.

She then said, "Besides, there's a far simpler way to get the same effect." At their curious gazes, she continued, "Just apparate. At 7 pm, apparate 1 hour's worth of timezone west, then rest half an hour and apparate west again. Repeat this 24 times until you're back at the start again, in which case it will now be twelve hours later, 7 am on the morning after the full moon."

The two men were absolutely gobsmacked at the simplicity of the solution to werewolfry and stared at her for quite a while. Lupin then told her to get her cloak, after which they went to Dumbledore to get a more educated opinion on her ideas.

Snape told him to drink the potion just in case, which he did. He grimaced and told Aster it tastes disgusting and unfortunately adding sugar makes it useless, to which she replied, "Then add honey." Which again left the two stunned. Lupin asked Snape if honey would make the potion useless, but Snape didn't know.

When they reached Dumbledore and she told him her theories, she added, "Also, I just thought about it, but what if a werewolf became an animagus and then just transformed into their animagus form before the full moon came up and stayed like that until morning? Also, does that mean animagi and metamorphmagi are immune to werewolfry?"

When she started at Hogwarts, she said she had once eaten an entire Venomous Tentacula out of curiosity which caused her skin to permanently turn purple, like Derwent Shimpling, and she had been hit by a Horn-Growing Spell which produced her two horns that couldn't be removed.

She comforted Hagrid at the Yule Ball when Madam Maxine left, telling him her mother's a river troll named Hukna, and despite that she had broken every record in her first year exams.

Shortly afterwards a daily prophet article titled, "Hogwarts's Smartest: A troll!" was published. Rita Skeeter had written that she's a half-troll, the daughter of the river troll Hukna.

In her 3rd year, when Umbridge spoke to her very slowly, she asked her, "Are you okay, Professor? It seems like someone hit you with an impediment jinx. I know the counter-jinx, I can help you." Umbridge stopped talking slowly after that.

When Pansy Parkinson sprouted antlers later that school year, Aster told her she looks cute. Pansy said she should stop teasing her, to which Aster replied that having horns, or antlers, isn't that bad once you get used to it. Pansy said she knew what Aster was doing and Aster asked, "Which is what?" Pansy then said she's just trying to get something from her, and Aster said that's not what she's doing at all. Pansy asked, "Then what are you doing?" And Aster leaned closer, smirked and said, "Flirting." "Flirting?" Pansy replied, bemused. Aster smiled and said, "Yeah, you're beautiful, so it's only natural to flirt with you." Pansy blushed, "B-beautiful?" "Indeed, very much so." Aster smiled more then offered to walk to the hospital wing with her, and Pansy accepted. Pansy apologised for being mean to her before, which Aster accepted. They started spending time together and eventually they started dating.

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