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Lyra Aquila Malfoy accidentally got outed as a lesbian at the Quidditch World Cup, because of the veela. Lucius was not amused. She told him she has a muggle-born girlfriend who is transgender and a werewolf. He disowned her.

She went to live with Nymphadora Tonks, because she believed she'd have more freedom with her than with Andromeda. Tonks really wanted to meet her girlfriend, to which she said it was a lie intended to get her disowned.

She was a Ravenclaw in the same year as Luna and Ginny, and she became friends with them. She joined them in the Battle Of The Department Of Mysteries (making them 7 people).

Unfortunately, she got captured by the Death Eaters and Voldemort offered her amnesty if she became a Death Eater. She refused, saying she's not particularly fond of megalomaniac mass-murdering bigots, and subsequently got tortured for a year to get Draco to do the Dark Lord's bidding.

When Dumbledore died, she was no longer tortured, but she was still held captive in the cellar. At that point she was completely unrecognisable and looked worse than a burnt corpse.

When Harry and co. went to Malfoy Manor, they saved her as well. Bill Weasley took her to his Aunt Muriel's place and they immediately initiated Extreme Healing. They managed to stabilise her.

Despite her still being very injured, incredibly weak and underage, she snuck in and participated in the Battle Of Hogwarts on the Order's Side.

When Tonks saw Remus die and collapsed near him in catatonic tears, Lyra saw a Death Eater shoot a killing curse at Tonks. Lyra quickly levitated Remus' body to intercept the spell and then stunned and captured the Death Eater. Because of this, Tonks survives the battle.

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