It also has the ability to paralyze a target under certain conditions, perhaps that's why they seemed so shocked...

And if that wasn't enough, they can temporarily control a person's thoughts using their intrinistic skill {Charm}.

And if even that wasn't enough, they are also apparently able to intimidate others by spreading and making their aura seem much more dangerous then it actually is.

Taking these abilities into account, it's no wonder that the ogres were killed so quickly and easily...

And yet that still doesn't answer the damn question about why this being had eaten so many ogres.

Apparently, even High Vampires only need about 2-3 humans to sustain themselves for days. And certain vampires known as Overcomers don't even need blood, they can exist purely based on magical energy.

So why, why did a vampire kill every person in a settlement?

Hoku: Rimuru-Sama!

Hoku came running in towards us, alerting us immediately.

Both Treyni and I look at him, wondering what he has to tell us.

Hoku: Haruto has woken up!

Haruto's POV
(Backstory time!)

Being an ogre, one of the strongest clan's in the world, would be considered a gift by many...

As an ogre, your already born strong and strengthened. Your main goal in life as an ogre, is to participate in the battle front as much as you can.

For an ogre, being born strong and dying for a powerful master is the greatest honor we could have...

And yet, I wasn't like that at all.

No, I did have the drive to participate and become strong...

The problem was, I was born with a physically frail body. My physical body was like a human child's when I was born, unlike the other ogre children who are about the same size as a 3 year old human child when they are born.

I wasn't born with the muscles my tribe members were famous for, even if I was the chieftain's son... Growing up, I was always different as compared to the other children.

Although everyone was nice to me, there was no doubt they pitied me for such a frail body. The physicality I had, no matter how hard I trained, was worser then the physicality of the other children.

I wished to participate in battles like my father had done, I wished to carry his legacy and honor by wielding his blade and charging into battle...

Yet, because of my frailness, I wasn't allowed to do so. I was a mistake, who my father wasted his time cherishing even when I was worth nothing.

For an ogre, their strength was everything. And I, was denied of that strength by the heavens.

Well, atleast I had compensation. Since I had less muscles to weigh on and spare, I could run much faster then most of the people in our clan.

Ontop of that, since I wasn't focused on getting stronger, I spent a lot more time studying magic, medicine, etc. So perhaps it wasn't all too bad...

But then again, like I said, for an ogre to die in battle is the greatest honor. I was denied of that honor, and grew up as a failure who was still cared for by the clan.

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