"Haha, that was a good one wise girl," He smirked.

"Well, I'm glad you liked our fighting but- suddenly to my horror, percy pulled into a kiss, laughing and still muttering, annabeth deepened the kiss, before pulling away.

"Seaweed brain, you remember what happened the last time we-

And....they were back to kissing. Annabeth was lying on top of percy, looking very comfortable while into leaning him.

I couldn't help it, before i knew what was happening, my legs started to move, I felt tears fall from my eyes as I ran, sprinting, toward the camp fire.


Eventually people filed in for the camp fire two by two, I had overheard people talking about how blue team had won, stealing the flag in the very last minute to win the game. But I didn't care anymore.

I was heart broken, it might sound stupid especially, from a straight A student, but honestly, no one had ever been interested in me, I watched other girls, for years, being asked out, but I never was. I sound stupid, pathetic, and so, so cheesy. But, it's true.

For once, I thought maybe I had a chance.

I sighed as the last of the campers filed in, that included the couple, who sat down next to me. The campers began to sing a song about their great great grandfather or something. I wasn't really paying attention.

Abruptly, I felt people staring, a noticed a faint gray light floating from above my head, and Annabeth, who smiled as she glanced over to me, at this point, the whole camp was staring. "What?" I asked genuinely confused.

"All hail, Lily Maxwell, daughter of Athena." Chiron beamed.


I was luging my stuff out of the Hermes cabin that night, when I finally got a chance to really meet the so called "Hero" for the first time.

I mean what had she really, ever done?

"Hey, let's start over, I don't think we got a chance to properly meet, I'm Annabeth, Annabeth chase." A voice said, i looked up to see familiar blonde curls framing a gorgeously tanned face. 

She stuck out her hand, and reluctantly, I shook it. "Come on, I'll help you move your stuff."

She smiled kindly, and ambled in front of me, easily picking up my bags. Maybe she wasn't all that bad?


I let out a sigh of relief, Annabeth had just finished helping me unpack.

"So Annabeth, when did you and percy first meet?" I asked.

Hoping, she'd say yesterday, then it would be easier to break them up- "We met for the first time when we were twelve, and we started dating, when he turned sixteen, on his birthday," she explained, staring off into the distance at something definitely not there.


"Any chance Malcom would make me the head counselor?" I asked, maybe if i had enough power Percy would like me then.

Annabeth sniffed, looking somewhat, amused, "What makes you think Malcom is counselor?" She asked in a curious tone.

"Because he said he was...?" I responded quickly.

"Well that's only when I'm not here" She clarified.

"Your h-head counselor?" I asked my voice shaking, as I placed the last of my books on the shelf. "Yeah," Annabeth responded, looking at me confused.

"Alright, so I'm running boot camp in about a half hour, so I've gotta head out, hope to see you there!"

"Yep" I swallowed, as soon as she left i sat down hard on my bed. Promptly bursting into tears.

"Lily actually I think,  I left my phone- woah, hey are you okay?" Annabeth asked, sitting down next to me.

"No everything is not okay, your head counselor, and Percy's your boyfriend, and no matter how hard I try I just can't get anyone to notice me.
It's like, now that I'm claimed, I'm not important anymore? Like, a missed opportunity, or something?"

It was Annabeth's turn to look mortified "Wait, this whole time-? You, okay- New information, look, Lily," She paused.

"I can't say I'm happy about the whole crushing on my boyfriend thing, but, look you're a great girl, and he's so dense he probably didn't even realize what was happening. I'm sorry if he led you on."

I laughed for a moment but then buried myself deeper into my pillow.  "Lily," she sighed "I'm sorry, I probably could, have noticed, and shouldn't have let it go this far. But my point is, you don't need a boyfriend, okay? That's actually kinda how I met Percy."

I sighed, "I guess, you're right. You're a really nice person, I hope someone's told you that before."

She laughed. "Trust me, I have my moods."

I sat up "Hold on, you didn't need to like fight, or steal him from anyone, or anything?" She raised an eyebrow "No, well, not really..." Annabeth laughed, "Here, how about, I'll tell you."


As I sat down in the dining pavilion with my food, "Wait, what, the first thing you ever said to Percy was, you drool in your sleep?" She nodded, smiling.

"That is single handedly the best thing i have ever heard!" I laughed.

Thanks to EllieGM101 , for commenting, and suggesting!

Your writer-
Rene, daughter of Athena

It's cliche! I know!

Word count: 2007

Percabeth meets peopleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें