They both laughed.

"Remember my first bonfire and I had to fight Gally? Man. That feels like SO long ago!" Alex smiled at the memory.

"Ya...I think so." He close his eyes and wrinkled his head, that one is's like shinny... Did you punch him?"

"No, I kneed him in the sternum.  Dodged a few attempts to grab me." She corrected gently.

"Oh! Ya..he grabbed you and head slammed you...right?"

Alex smiled and nodded. His eyes snapped open, and a smile on his face making his eyes crease.

" I think...I remember you kept getting back up, and then that ridiculous one liner! What was it again?"

"I could do this all day! Bring it shuck face!" She giggled.

"Yeah, that was it! That got Gally's respect...and most of the Gladers, I think, that night. " He had a dreamy slightly confused look on his face thinking about that night so long ago.

"Ya..and what about you? When Did I get yours?" She raised a challenging eyebrow at him.

"Hmmm." He closed his eyes tight again, rubbing his temples. He made a noise in his throat. Alex sat patiently waiting
He had to try sort out his memories, trying to figure out which ones were in his words shinny and fuzzy. With his eyes still closed and using the heel of his hand he rubbed his forehead.

"Probably when you mouthed off to Gal when he called you short and a slopper..." He peeked an eye open, "real?" He asked quietly.

"Real." Alex smirked. "But I'm always mouthing off."


He closed his eye again with a chuckle.

"Okay ..though, I'm pretty sure you told us you went looking for a weapon in the box..that was pretty badass! ..Oh! Or when you sassed Frypan! Oh man, so good!"

He opened his eyes and gazed at her, his eyes sparkling. They spent the rest of the evening laughing, remembering happy memories, sorting out his memories of her. It was getting easier by the end of the night, he could figure out which memories were tampered with because he said they were shinny. He just needed help sorting which parts were real and which were implanted.

Minho told her stories about before she was there. She told him about her adventures with the Right Arm. She told him how Petter, and Maddie had to quickly join their Power Squad team to finish a job.

"Petter would have made a great runner! You'd be impressed. He's joined the training with Cap, same with Maddie. Brenda has been giving her snipper lessons."

Minho smiled watching her talk.

"It's the same mission I found Raegan!"

Alex told him about the one time her and Thomas had to stop a supply truck in the middle of the night and they forgot their weapons in the tent and had to use a rock, and her hair band, making a slingshot and her hoodie string as a garrote.

"Shuck sakes girl! Definitely don't piss you off!"

**Read Chapter: Missed Sleepover, in Indulgence - the full mission of Alex and Tommy's improv skills**

Alex smiled evilly at him, but batted her eyelashes, "I'm so cute and tinny no one sees me coming!"

"Nah, you're beautiful, mouthy and deadly. They should be terrified!" Minho corrected, he had pride shining on his eyes.

Destroyer - The Death Cure (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now