Forty Six// Daddy

Start from the beginning

"Don't do the dirty while we're all here!" Michael shouts, a disgusted tone in his voice towards us even though Aspen and I should be disgusted at him.

"Don't be a dick, Michael!" I yell back before shutting my door rather loudly. I'm not even mad though, it's a common Michael move to say something about sex. H

"Come on, cutie, let's find something for you to wear to bed." I say, poking her side before heading to my closet.

"No, Calum, wait." Aspen grabs my arm. I look back to her, a look on my face telling her to explain why she's stopping me.

Surprising the fuck out of me, she smashes her lips to mine, her hands on either side of my face. The kiss only lasts a few seconds, but she manages to slip her tongue inside my mouth for one of those well spent seconds.

"What was that?"

"You didn't like it?"

"No, no, I Ioved it. But, that was a surprise." I admit, smiling bigger than I ever have tonight.

"I know."

"So... Uh... Clothes?" I ask, my thoughts still overwhelmed with the feeling of her tongue caressing my lips and passing the pair into my mouth. If I thought about it anymore, I'd be pitching my own tent (if you get what I mean).

"I don't need any." Aspen shakes her head, slipping off her shoes and kicking them towards a spot in the room where no one will trip on them. I'm actually surprised at how she's acting so casually after that passionate kiss we shared.

"This again? I've forgotten about the incident that happened at our last sleepover, and I do have clothes you can wear, Asp." I sigh, pulling her into me and wrapping my arms tightly around her neck, hugging her in a more playful way than a deep way.

"No, that's not what I mean." Aspen sighs. I loosen my grip from around her neck and give her a questioning look.

"At home I usually sleep in my underwear, why can't I here?"

"Woah... You.. Really? Woah..." I awkwardly cough, pushing the image of Aspen standing in her undwear out of my brain.

Sometimes it sucks being a guy. Especially when you're a virgin.

"Well, when I wore your shorts they were so tight and unbearable. As long as you don't look at my, and don't touch any part of my lower body, I'll be fine... Are you fine with it?"

"I mean, yeah, I guess. And your legs are perfect. Every part of you is perfect." I tell her seriously, feeling sort of disappointed that she doesn't trust me enough to even look at her legs. I have seen them slightly before, but she was wearing something over her underwear.

She is terribly insecure. I'll just let her take her time. There's not really a big rush for me to see her semi naked anyways.

"Stop lying."

"I'm not lying."

"There you go again."


"Just drop it." She slips out from under my arms and stalks over to the opposite side of the bed in which I'm standing in front of. She starts undressing right in front of me, my heart starting to beat right out of my chest. First she goes for my hoodie, letting it fall to the floor. Her hands go for her belt, but then she just stares at me. I stare back.


"Well, turn around!"


I turn around, my cheeks burning bright red, and I decide to change as well, pulling off my shirt and pants. The sexual tension level in this room is sky high. At least my sexual tension is.

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