Thirty Seven// Noticed

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March 28, 2015


My fingers mindlessly tap against my thigh as I wait in line to get my coffee. I woke up really early this morning, just from not being able to sleep, and then the boys and I rehearsed for a few hours, and a few hours after that we did a tiny gig, as it's Friday, and we usually have gigs on Friday. So now I'm halfway to the hotel where Mali's best friend is having a bachelorette party. Mali's other friend was able to take her to the hotel, but her friend's staying the night there, and Mali is not, so I'm the one to pick her up. Sometimes it sucks, always being free and having no plans. Well, all the time it sucks.

"Hello, sir, what would you like?" The short brunette with glasses asks, as I step up to the counter.

"Uh, I'd like a-"

"Wait..." I down at her from the menu on the wall behind her, my eyebrows raised. "I've seen you before. Yeah... Don't you play in that one band? The one that plays at that bar?"

So specific.

"Well, yeah, I play in a band. 5 Seconds Of Summer." I say, glancing at her nametag, which reads Helena.

"Yeah, that's the name! You guys rock! You should make a demo CD and sell it at the club, I would totally buy it." She smiles.

"Yeah? I'll suggest it to the guys." A smile creeps its way onto my face.

"You should... Sorry, anyways, what do you want?" Helena asks politely, checking back into her roll of counter girl.

"An iced coffee, two shots of espresso." I tell her, slipping my credit card towards her.

Once I get my coffee, and fix it up with cream at the table set up with all sorts of fixings, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, and look down since she's very short, to see Helena.

"Hi. Again. I was just wondering if I could maybe get your number?" She says. My heart sinks. Yeah, Helena's attractive in a cute, geeky, and quirky way, but nothing- no one- compares to Aspen. Every time I see or talk with Aspen, this happiness just fills up my heart. No one else has ever offered that for me. I doubt Helena ever could.

"Um, actually, I have a girlfriend." I lie.

"Oh, okay. I'm just trying to get over this guy and I thought getting back on that dating horse would help a bit. See you at your next show, 5SOS." Helena smiles, calling me by a nickname. 5SOS kind of has a nice ring to it. Maybe I'll start using it.

I wave to Helena, who's back at her space behind the counter, as I step out the exit, sipping my drink to bring me back to life. No doubt, there's a lasting smile on my face. Someone just noticed me in a public place. That's crazy! Never have I ever expected that to happen to someone like me.

The little Kia car that I got as a present for graduation from my parents comes closer to my view as I approach it, taking my time with walking so I can have more time to stretch before I get back on the road. Aspen spoke to me earlier and told me to call her, so that's what I plan on doing. She answers after four rings.

"Sup, bro?" Aspen says, which makes me chuckle. It's cute how she tries to be one of the guys, and then fails.

"Nothin much." As I put her on speaker and set the phone in my lap, so I don't get a ticket. "I was just at Starbucks, where I got noticed by the girl at the counter."

"What do you mean, noticed?"

"I mean, this girl saw me at one of our gigs and noticed me just now. Isn't that cool?" I say, shortly followed by a gasp from the other line.

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