Part Forty-Two

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After Rael and Grogu were out of earshot, Luke glanced at Ashoka and said, "The Mandalorian was here." Ashoka nodded and replied, "As I told you. Those three share a strong bond, and he brought them a gift." Luke took the two bundles of cloth and weighed them in his hands as he said, "I find it hard to believe he did not want to deliver these in person." Ashoka shrugged and said, "I know your views of attachment have shifted, but mine have not." The young man sighed as he leaned against the large tree. "I believe we will always agree to disagree on that."

Ashoka chuckled a bit as she nodded in agreement. "Sometimes I wonder if his heart is in it. Whenever El is around, he does well. But when she is gone..." Luke said after a few quiet seconds had passed. Ashoka smiled softly as she watched him. "So much like your father." Luke cut his eyes at her but returned her smile before looking out over the valley. "Rael has just about mastered the Force, but what should I do about him?", he wondered aloud.

"Trust your instincts.", The Torgruta said before starting to walk away. "Will we see you again?", Luke called, making her stop. "Perhaps. May the Force be with you.", she replied before bringing her hand over her heart in farewell. Luke watched as she turned and headed back into the forest. The Jedi sighed as he looked down at the bundles in his hands, which suddenly felt a lot heavy than they did a few moments ago.


"I can't believe it's done!", Rael exclaimed as she jogged ahead of the others towards the temple. "Well, I wouldn't say done, but it's got walls and a roof now.", Leia said as she stopped next to her friend. "No, I actually like the... minimal look.", Lando said waving his hands around. Chewie made a sound of disapproval as he let Grogu jump onto his shoulders.

The group headed over to the camp Luke, Rael, and Grogu had been living in for quite sometime now. "I can't wait to eat something that isn't a ration pack or stick.", Rael said happily as Han and Lando unpacked the crate they had unloaded from the Millennium Falcon. Leia had sent a holo yesterday asking if they had any requests for real food. Both Luke and Rael had requested anything but bone broth.

"If you guys can get everything set up, I gotta talk to El.", Luke said suddenly. The others nodded and Rael followed, but not before she and Leia shared a confused look. "What's this about?", Rael asked as she sat down in front of Luke. In between them, a long piece of red cloth laid on the ground. A slender wooden box sat next to Luke as he studied his friend's face.

He was quiet for another moment before reaching into his black robes and pulling out two small bundles. Rael furrowed her brows as she watched him place the bundles on the cloth and unravel one of them. Luke revealed a pendant tied to a braided cord of leather. "The Mandalorian wanted you to have this and he brought something for Grogu as well.", he said.

Rael stared down at the shiny metal and studied the design. It was the signet that the Armorer had placed on Din's shoulder plate. His clan of three... She picked it up in her hands and turned it over to see another design. If Rael's memory was correct, it was the same symbol her aunt wore on her armor. "Wh-... So he was here a few days ago?", Rael whispered out as she continued running her fingers over the mudhorn's figure.

"He was. Ashoka spoke to him and he gave her these.", Luke explained. Rael looked up at him with slightly narrowed eyes. "And he just left? After two years he didn't wait around to say hello?", Rael questioned. Luke chuckled a bit as he said, "I think Ashoka may have been the reason for that." Rael's brow relaxed as she nodded, Luke's words sounding very likely. The two friends were quiet for a few moments before Luke began to speak again.

"You've learned everything possible from the recovered manuscripts. Ashoka says that your skills in Force-manipulation have exceeded her expectations. And you've been knocking me on my ass in duels for the past year.", he said. This brought a small smile to Rael's lips as she looked up. "I have made a decision to remain here and train younglings... But that does not have to be your choice.", he continued.

Rael felt her smile falter for a second, hearing his words. "What do you mean?", she asked. "You've never had the chance to make a choice solely for yourself. It was either made by Ben when you were young, or made with all of us, or whatever the Rebellion asked of you. You're finally able to decide what you want. I've made mine and I found Mara along the way. I don't want you to pass up the opportunity to live your life, El.", Luke said seriously.

Rael held his gaze for another second before looking back down at the pendant. "What about Grogu?", she asked quietly. "I wanted to speak to you both separately so you could each make your own decision.", Luke explained. The young woman nodded slowly before looking back up at her old friend with a small smile. Luke returned it, knowing her well enough to see what her decision was. "You're going to wait and see what he picks."

This made her chuckle as she placed the pendant back on the cloth and stood up. "You know I can't leave that kiddo behind.", she told him. Luke nodded as he placed the wooden box in front of him now. "Is that what I think it is?", she asked, gesturing towards the box. "It is. He needs to see the possibility of both paths.", Luke replied. "He does... I'll tell him to come see you.", Rael said before heading out of the semi-finished temple.


"No! I swear I didn't say anything, Lando! It was Han!", Rael exclaimed jabbing her kabab at the man trying to suck in air between laughs. "You were the only one who saw it happen!", Lando shouted back. "Actually, R2 was in the hallway and you know what a gossip he is.", Leia said, trying to fight off another fit of giggles. "See!", Rael huffed out as R2-D2 let out a few happy beeps and shuffled. Lando grumbled something as Chewie gave him sympathetic pat on the back.

"They sure are taking a long time.", Han sighed as he came over and sat down next to Rael. She nodded as she tore off a bite of meat from the metal skewer. "So, what did you decide?", Han asked a bit more quietly. Rael cut her eyes at him suspiciously. Han winked before saying, "Oh please, Luke tells me everything. And I mean everything...". The man ended his sentence with a kissy face making Rael choke on her food.

Han laughed as he pat her roughly on the back and said, "Easy kid. Couldn't resist messing with you about it at least once." Rael took a swig of the spotchka before saying, "To answer your question-", Rael began to say, but a happy squeal interrupted her. Everyone turned away from the bonfire to see Grogu waddling towards the group with Luke following behind him.

Rael held her breath as the kid hurried towards her with something clasped in his hand. As he stopped in front of her, their eyes locked and she could feel the excitement and happiness flowing from the kid. Everyone was silent as they watched Grogu reach out his small hand and hold something out for Rael to take.

The Jedi tore her eyes away from his and looked down to see the pendant hanging from its leather cord. "Did you pick...?", she whispered but her voice trailed off. Grogu pulled his robes's collar to show a chainmail shirt. 'Him', the kid's voice floated into her mind. Rael's smile grew as she took the pendant from him. "Wow. This guy must be pretty cool to pass up a laser sword.", Han quipped from beside her.

Leia practically growled as she chunked a piece of kindling at him. "Laser sword? Really?", Rael scoffed as placed the leather cord around her neck. "Unforgivable.", Luke joined in, sitting beside his twin on a log. "So, does this mean you two are leaving?", Leia asked with a sad smile. Rael looked up at her and had to fight off the tears pricking her eyes. "I swear I won't just disappear again.", she said, trying to lighten the sudden sadness in the air.

"As long as you send us holos, keep us updated on where you are, and-", Leia began to list off but Han cut her off. "She's an adult now, your highness, as much as it pains me to say it... But I do I agree. Holos are mandatory." he said and threw an arm around her shoulders. The others began to spout off other requests as Grogu waddled forward and hopped into Rael's lap. "Looks like we have a Mandalorian to track down.", she whispered to him as he she handed him a kebab skewer. The kid's eyes gleamed with excitement as he bit into the meat.


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