Part Thirty-Nine

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"And then we got wind of a bounty for a little green thing and a Jedi traveling with a fully armored Mandalorian! I mean we knew that had to be you! And let me tell you, Leia has been an absolute terror since you've been missing. I mean, I lost count of how many systems she sent Chewie and I to. Even Lando's been- Hey, are you even listening to me?", A voice said, pulling Rael's gaze away from the stars blurring past

The young woman sat up straight in her seat and looked up to see Han Solo and Chewbacca staring at her. "I haven't seen you in ages and now you're just ignoring me?", Han asked. "I- sorry, Han...", she forced out. He scoffed playfully as he turned back to the controls of the Millennium Falcon, but Chewie stayed facing her. He tilted his head and let out a concerned grunt. Rael smiled at the Wookie and said, "I'm ok, Chewie. Just hoping Grogu is getting along with Luke."

The X-wing carrying Luke and Grogu was traveling behind them. The older Jedi had insisted that the kid fly with him so they could begin to get to know one another. Rael had been hesitant, but Han had practically dragged her away from Grogu and onto the Falcon. And for the past two hours, Han had been talking non-stop. "I'm sure they're fine. If anything, Luke's boring the kid to death.", Han chuckled as he flipped a few switches.

Rael huffed a laugh as Chewie turned back around to check a system notification. "So, where's the green paradise you said Luke found for the temple?", Rael asked, trying to stay focused on the present. "He didn't exactly discover it. It's Ossus. You remember it, right? It was a base used by the Resistance.", Han told her as he cast her a glance over his shoulder. Rael nodded as she tried to recall any details about the planet. "Did we ever go there?", She asked both Han and Chewie. The Wookie shook his head with a grunt.

Just then an alert sounded, letting them know they were coming out of hyperspace. Rael turned to look back out the window, but furrowed her brows when she recognized the planet. "I thought we would be going to Ossus. What are we doing at Coruscant?", Rael questioned. "You didn't think Leia was just gonna let you go straight to hiding in a half-built temple, did you?", Han laughed as he accepted a transmission from the planet. "The princess requests you land at the Senate building. She is finishing with a meeting and wishes for everyone to accompany her tonight.", C3P0's voice rang out.

"Accompany her where?", Han asked incredulously. Rael leaned back in her seat and let out a sigh, already knowing Leia's plan. "I think you know where.", the girl said as the Falcon entered the Coruscant's atmosphere. "Tell her majesty we'll be landing in a moment.", Han grunted before ending the transmission. "I'm sure Luke is gonna be so excited that he has to play nice with politicians tonight.", Rael said as the Falcon touched down on the landing pad. Han laughed as he shut down the ship.

"Well, c'mon. I'm sure she's waiting.", the man said as he and Chewie headed out of the cockpit. Rael hesitated and looked out the front of the ship as she watched the X-wing shut down. She felt a pang in her heart as she watched Luke cradle the kid gently in his arms as he climbed down the ship's ladder. Flashes of Din carrying Grogu around danced across her mind. "Where is she!", A voice demanded outside the ship. The familiar voice brought a small smile to Rael's lips as she forced herself to get up and join the others.

She walked down the ramp and was greeted with the sight of Leia Organa tickling Grogu's cheeks. Her appearance caught the princess's attention, making her turn to face her. "Rael Kenobi, I could kill you right now!", Leia snapped as she hurried forward and pulled the Jedi into her embrace. Rael wrapped her arms around Leia's torso as she laughed. "Are you alright? I've been so kriffing worried...", Leia whispered to her as they pulled away enough to look at one another. "I'm alright, but tired.", Rael replied as she glanced over the woman shoulder and saw Grogu looking at her.

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