Part Four

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Rael was shocked out of her sleep when the Razor Crest started to rattle violently. "Hold him.", a garbled voice ordered. The girl wrapped an arm around the squirming child as she tried to blink the sleep from her eyes. "Did you pick a planet yet?", she asked while readjusting the child in her lap. "Sorgon. Look's like there's no star port, no industrial centers, no population density. A real backwater skug hole.", he replied.

"Which is exactly what we need.", Rael sighed as she looked out the window and at the planet. "You womp rats ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a couple months? Nobody is gonna find us here." Mando said as he guided the ship towards Sorgon's atmosphere. "I'm going to ignore that you just called us womp rats." Rael quipped and rolled her eyes. Mando only responded with a grunt as they flew low over a large forest.

"It's been forever since I've seen this much green." Rael said with a light smile and the child cooed excitedly from her lap. The ship groaned as it landed in the clearing Mando had found. "Listen, we're gonna go out there and look around. It shouldn't take long." Mando announced as he shut down the ship's engines and stood up from the pilot's chair.

As Rael stood up and placed the child in the seat she had just been in, Mando continued, "Now, don't touch anything. I'll find us some lodging, then I'll come back for you. You stay right there. You stay. Don't move. You understand?". The girl watched the one-sided conversation with an amused smirk. "Great." Mando mumbled before spinning on his heel and heading down the ladder to open the ramp.

"Sorry, kiddo." Rael said with a wink and hurried after the Mandalorian. The Jedi hurried over to stand next to Mando as the ramp lowered. "Keep your face covered while we're out in public." he said as Rael squinted from the sudden light pooling into the dark ship. The girl nodded and fashioned the piece of fabric so only here eyes and hair were visible.

Just as the ramp was fully lowered, Rael felt a slight tug on her pant leg and she looked down to see the child grinning up at her. "I don't think your little talk worked." Real snickered. Mando grunted a 'huh' and glanced over at her, only to see the child. "Oh what the hell? Come on." Mando mumbled and walked sown the ramp and marched towards the forest. "Well, let's go." Rael said with a grin and began to follow Mando as she held back a giggle at how cute the child looked as he waddled next to her.


After a pleasant walk through the forest, the trio arrived at a small, but thriving, town. As they headed towards a canteen, a lothcat snapped dat the child and made him cry out. "Come here little guy." Rael said gently and the child let her hold him and continue walking. When they walked in, Rael noticed how Mando visibly tensed. "What is it?" She asked lowly and subtly walked a bit closer to him.

"Could be nothing, but watch that woman we just passed." Mando replied as they sat down at a table. Rael nodded as she placed the child in the chair between her and Mando. "Welcome, travelers. Can I interest you in anything?" a woman asked as she approached their table. "Bone broth, for the little one." Mando replied. "Oh, well, you're in luck. I just took down a grinjer, so there's plenty. Can I interest either of you in a porringer of broth as well?" the woman asked with a grin.

Rael was about to ask for some broth as well, but remembered she wasn't supposed to show her face, sighed annoyedly. "Just the one." Mando said, ignoring the sulking Jedi. "Very well." The woman said. Before she could leave Mando asked, "That one over there. When did she arrive?" The woman glanced over her shoulder to see who Mando was referring to before looking back at them.

"I've seen her here for the last week or so." she answered casually. "WHat's her business here?" Rael questioned. The woman feigned innocence as she said, "Business? Oh, well, there's not much business in Sorgon, so I can't say." Mando didn't say anything as he tossed a few credits onto the table. "She doesn't strike me as a log runner. Thank you, sir. I will get that broth to you as soon as possible and I will throw in a flagon of spotchka for good measure." the woman said quickly and pocketed the credits before hurrying off.

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