Part Nine

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Rael's leg was bouncing nervously as Mando guided the ship into the landing bay. "Are you sure we can't get credits another way? I'm sure we could find something..." She said meekly as she looked around the busy hangar. Mando huffed as he shut down the Razor Crest's systems and said, "As I said the past 10 times, this is the fastest way to get the credits. Just keep your head down." The girl nodded slowly as she stood up and held the kid in her arms. "And what about our little companion. What should he do?" Rael asked.

"We'll put him in the bed compartment. He'll be fine in there." The man replied as he climbed down the ladder and held his hands out to take the kid from her. Rael hesitated before lowering the kid down and climbing down herself. Mando gently placed the kid on the small mattress and locked the door. When he turned around and saw the Jedi standing by the ramp control panel, he said, "You might want to cover your face again. Ran will be happy to give us a job, but even happier to turn us in if he connect the dots."

The girl obliged and refashioned her scarf to hide everything but her eyes. "It seems like everyone has been able to connect the dots, so far." She grumbled as she pulled the lever to lower the ramp. "Let me do all the talking. From now and until the job is finished, you're a woman of few words, got it?" He grumbled as artificial light seeped into the ship's cargo hold. "Fine, fine." she said back with an eye roll and followed him down the ramp. 

"How do you even know this guy?", Rael said lowly as the stepped off the ramp, doing her best to ignore the looks people were giving the duo. "I used to run with his crew. Now, quiet. That's him." Mando growled as an older man with messy graying hair and a beard to match approached them.

"Mando! Is that you under that bucket?" The man chuckled and held out his hand. Mando shook his hand and greeted him, "Ran". The man looked Mando up and down before saying, "I didn't really know if I'd ever see you in these parts again. Good to see ya. And looks like you're finally making friends. Nice to meet you, little lady." Rael simply nodded her head towards the man, ignoring the condescending pet name.

Ran grinned at her before motioning for them to follow him. "I was a little surprised when you reached out to me. You know, cause I... I hear things. Like maybe things between you and the Guild aren't workin' out." Ran said in a sing-song voice. "I'll be fine." Mando said firmly as they halted in their steps. Ran looked between Mando and Rael before saying, "Okay. Well, you know the policy. No questions. And you, you're welcome back here anytime. 

He led them up onto a catwalk that over looked the hangar and Mando's ship. Rael kept her senses on alert as she followed behind Mando and Ran. "So, what's the job?", Mando finally asked. "Yeah, one of our associates ran afoul some competitors and got himself caught. So, I'm putting' together a crew to spring him. It's a six person job. I got four. All I need is the ride, and you brought it." Ran explained and none towards the Razor Crest. "The ship wasn't part of the deal." Mando said firmly.

"Well the Crest is the only reason I let you back in here." Ran explained with a cocky brow raised. Mando slowly turned to stare the man down. Rael didn't need x-ray vision to know Mando was pissed. "What's the look? Is that gratitude?...Uh huh. I think it is." Ran laughed and headed back down to the ship. "What if they find the kid." Rael hissed as they started to follow Ran. "We'll deal with that if it happens. For right now, play it cool." Mando grumbled.

They came to a stop next to Ran at a work bench. "Hey Mayfeld." Ran called to the man who's back was turned to them. "Yeah?" he answered and turned around. "This is Mando, the guy I was telling' you about. We used to do jobs way back when." Ran said as Mayfeld slowly walked up to them with smirk on his face. "This is the guy?" The newcomer asked as Rael eyed the rifle in his hands.

"Yeah, we were all young, tryin' make a name for ourselves. Yeah, but run-in' with a Mandalorian, that was... That brought us some reputation." Ran chuckled as he reminisced. "Oh yea? What did he get out of it?" Mayfeld asked as his eyes wavered to Rael before focusing back on the Mandalorian. "Heh, I asked him that one time. You remember what you said, Mando?" Ran asked with eerie grin. 

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