Part Ten

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Needless to say, Rael was not in a great mood as she leaned against the wall next to the cockpit ladder, watching their new... companions. Burg was being nosy and pressing a bunch of buttons on a control panel. Thankfully, he only opened Mando's armory and not the bed compartment. Suddenly, the doors swung shut, and Rael turned to see the Mandalorian. Burg growled at him and advanced like he was going to attack.

"Hey, hey. I get it. I'm a little particular about my personal space too. So, let's just do this job. We get in, we get out, and you don't have to see our faces anymore." Mayfeld said before any punches could be thrown. The two backed away from one another and Mando came to stand by Rael. "Someone tell me why we even need a Mandalorian... and his thing." Burg sneered, making Rael bristle.

"Well, apparently they're the greatest warriors in the galaxy. So they say. Personally, my money would be on a Jedi." Mayfeld said lightly. "Then why are they all dead?" Burg asked quipped, earning a laugh from the others. "Well, you flew with him Xi'an. Is he as good as they say?" Mayfeld asked. The twi'lek continued to balance her dagger on her fingertips as she said, "Ask him about the job on Alzoc III."

Rael kept her gaze on the wall in front of her as Mando said, "I did what I had to." Xi'an giggled and added, "Oh, but you liked it. See, I know who you really are." Mando stared at the woman and ignored the quick glance Rael sent his way. "He never takes off the helmet?" Mayfeld asked, with arched brows. Xi'an grinned and shook her head before mockingly saying, "This is the Way."

Mayfeld studied Mando with a odd smile. "Huh, I wonder what you look like under there. Maybe he's a gungan. Is that why yousa don't wanna show your face?" The ex-imperial joked earning a loud laugh from Burg. He turned to Xi'an and asked, "You ever seen his face?". The twi'lek gasped and feigned innocence as she replied, "A lady never tells."

Mayfeld glanced at Rael and said, "I bet she's seen him. What's he look like doll?". Xi'an snapped her fiery eyes to Rael and stared the younger girl down, daring her to answer. "It Korie. Not doll. And as she said, a lady never tells." Rael replied, meeting Xi'an's gaze. "Aw, come on, Mando. We all gotta trust each other there. Why don't you show us what you're hiding under that bucket." Mayfeld continued as he stood up and slowly approached the two.

"C'mon. Just a peak. Let us see your eyes. At least we can see Korie's." He pressed as Burg inched closer. Rael's heart started to beat faster as the two closed in on them. Mando took a barely noticeable step closer to the girl as he stared Burg and Mayfeld down, daring them to try. The girl noticed the sharpshooter send burg a small nod before the Devaronian male lunged at Mando.

The Mandalorian easily dodged Burg and slammed him against the wall. Unfortunately, Burg hit a control panel, and the bed compartment's door slid open. The kid stared up at all of them and cooed. "Dank farrik...", Rael muttered. "Whoa! What is that? Wait a minute. Did you two make that?". Mayfeld exclaimed and looked between Rael and Mando.

The girl scoffed and sent the man a cold glare. "Ok, ok. Is it like a pet?" he tried again. "Yea, something like that." Mando grumbled. "Huh, didn't take you as the type. Maybe that code of yours has made you soft." Xi'an mused as she came to take a closer look.

"I was never great with pets. Patience ya' know. But I'm thinking, maybe I'll try again with this little fella." Mayfeld said as he picked up the kid. Rael watched the man carefully, ready to act if needed. Mayfeld acted as if he was going to drop the kid and both Mando and Rael moved to catch him, making the others snicker.

Suddenly, Zero's voice sounded over the intercom, "Exiting hyperspace... Now." The whole ship lurched and everyone lost their balance. Rael sighed in relief as she saw Mando catch the kid before he hit the ground. "Commencing final approach, now." Zero said. "Cloaking signal, now." The droid announced and the ship did a violent turn before locking onto the transport.

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