Part Forty-One

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The gentle breeze blew through Rael's unbraided hair. The length had gotten so annoying that it was rare it was not pulled back in some way or another. The Jedi kept her eyes closed as she tapped into the world around her. Her hands carding through the soft grass as she smiled. Ossus had proven to have a very strong connection to the Force. And that had been exactly what both Rael and Grogu needed.

"Grogu, this is time for meditation, not for eating.", Luke scolded lightly and Rael squinted one eye open to see a frog suspended in air above Grogu. Rael couldn't help a small laugh as Luke saved the frog from being prey to the hungry child. "How about let's take a break and have lunch. You know he's not gonna meditate on an empty stomach.", the young woman said as she stood up and headed to where the backpacks rested against the large tree on top of the hill.

She pulled out three ration sticks and two water canteens. Leia had sent a child's canteen so Grogu could have his own. "You've been doing very well, Gro.", Rael said happily as she handed out the rations sticks and water. 'You do well', a voice drifted through her mind. "Thanks, kiddo.", she told him as she took off her heavier outer-robe. "You both have improved greatly during our time here.", Luke said before taking a bite of his ration stick. Grogu giggled and Rael sent him a wink.

"But that doesn't mean we stop training or lose focus.", he told them both with a knowing look. Rael rolled her eyes at him as Grogu crammed the remainder of his snack into his mouth. "Of course not, Master.", the woman said with a mock salute. Luke just shook his head at her teasing before a new voice made them all turn around.

"Are you ready for drills?", Ashoka Tano asked Rael. The younger Jedi stole the canteen from Luke before standing up and saying, "Yep. See you two later tonight." Rael patted the kid on the head and dodged Luke's attempt to reclaim the water canteen as she she hurried after Ashoka. "How was meditation?", the Torguta asked. Rael chuckled as she tucked the canteen under her arm and tighten her weapons belt. But as they walked through the trees, the young woman was distracted when she thought she felt a familiar presence. Quickly, she shook her head, sure she was mistaken. It had been almost two years...

"Pretty typical day. Takes a while to get him focused and by the time he does, he's hungry.", Rael forced out as the two women came to a stop in front of a lake. "Well, as distracted as both of you can get, there has definitely been improvement.", Ashoka said as she sat down with her legs crossed on a large mossy log. "You've been a great help- I know, I know. You're not training us. But, you give some Master Yoda-level advice sometimes. It's nice to have you around." Rael said, having to hold up a hand when Ashoka tried to cut her off.

The woman just waved her off before saying, "How about you begin with the stones." Rael nodded and stretched her arms a bit before heading towards a huge pile of rocks. "You know, I'd classify these as boulders.", she called before sitting down on her knees in front of the pile. Rael closed her eyes and reached out with a single hand as she felt the Force swirl around her. Ashoka had told them about different Force-drills she had been put through as a padawan and now Rael had been doing her best to recreate them.

Steadily, the stones- no, the boulders rose into the air and began to slowly circle around Rael. One by one, the boulders began to stack on top of each other to form a pillar. Just as the last one settled on top, Ashoka's comlink sounded with familiar beeps from R2-D2. "What's he going on about?", Rael asked as she stood up and dusted her pants off, the pillar still standing. Ashoka didn't respond as she stared out over the lake, deep in thought. "Ashoka?", Rael questioned.

"He wants me to come check something out by the temple. Start on the water. I'll be back soon.", Ashoka finally said before standing up and heading back into the forest before Rael could say anything else. "Alright then...", she mumbled as she headed towards the lakeshore and letting the pillar crumble. As she slipped off her boots and waded into the shallows, Rael couldn't help but wonder if she really had just been imagining it...

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