Part Twelve

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Rael was scrolling through the Razor Crest's data bank looking at different trading outposts while Mando tried to reset all the functions Zero had changed. The child was sleeping peacefully in his floating carriage, holding on to the silver ball that belonged to one of the ship's control levers. The trios' peaceful silence, accompanied with the constant whirring from the ship, was ended but a loud static sound as hologram appeared in front of Mando.

"My friend. If you are receiving this transmission, that means you are alive. You might be surprised to hear this, but I am alive too. I guess we can call it even. A lot has happened since we last saw each other. The man who hired you is sill here, and his ranks of ex-Imperial guards have grown. They have imposed despotic rule over my city, which has impeded the livelihood of the Guild." The garbled voice of Green Karga rang out.

Mando's movements stilled as he watched the man's message continue. "We consider him an enemy, but we cannot get close enough to take him out. If you would consider one last commission, I will very much make it worth your while. You have been successful so far in staving off their hunters and keeping the two who travel with you safe, but they will not stop until they have their prize. So, here is my proposition. Return to Nevarro. Bring the child and Jedi as bait. I will arrange an exchange, and provide loyal Guild members as protection."

"He can't be serious...", Rael mumbled as she leaned forward, watching the hologram closely. "Once we get near the client, you kill him, and we both get what we want. If you succeed, you go freely with the child and Jedi, and I will have your name cleared with the Guild, for a man of honor should not be forced to live in exile. I await your arrival with optimism." Karga finished and the hologram ended.

The cockpit was silent as they processed the message that had just played. Rael looked over at the man who was looking back at the child. "That's clearly a trap. You see that right?", she asked, making him look at her. Mando let out a loud sigh before swiveling his seat back around and starting to plug in coordinates to the hyperdrive. "Mando, this is an even worse idea than going to Ran for a job... and that's saying something." She said worriedly.

"Rae. They will keep sending hunters after you and the kid. I can't get you two to your friends with them trailing us. Even if I could, you'd lead them straight to wherever you plan on taking the kid to hide. You wouldn't be safe.", Mando told her firmly. Rael stared back into his visor, knowing he was right. She sighed and said, "So, we just zoom into Nevarro and hope for the best? Two versus who knows how many people that would love to kill you and sell me and the kid to the ex-Imperials or the highest bidder?".

The Mandalorian shook his head as he turned his chair so he could be face-to-face with Rael. "No one's killing or selling anyone. I won't let it happen." He said seriously. Rael's eyes drifted between the sleeping child and Mando's shielded eyes. "We can't protect the kid and fight ..." The girl whispered and dropped her eyes to her lap as she wrung her hands. A gloved hand appeared in her vision and rested atop her own.

Rael looked up and stared at the man in front of her. "That's why we have a few friends to pick up first." He said gently, not moving his hand. This brought a small smile to her face as she quipped, "Since when do we have friends? I mean maybe I've made a few, but you... Not so sure." Mando let out a half-hearted scoff before letting go of her hands and spinning back around to the controls. "I'm perfectly capable of making friends." He grumbled making Rael's smile grow.


The ship had landed back on the familiar planet, Sorgan. "We should look at the cantina first." Mando said as he shut down the ship and its systems. "Um, is it all right if I stay here with the kid?", Rael said as followed Mando down the ladder. The Mandalorian looked back at her with his hand hovering over the ramp's lever. "Since when do you want to stay on the ship?", He asked. The girl rolled her eyes before explaining, "I haven't meditated since this whole thing started. If we're about to willingly walk into a trap, my connection to the Force needs to be as strong as possible."

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