Part Twenty-Six

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Opp it's kinda long:)


The group started running back the way they had came, which was thankfully much too small for the biggest spider, but the smaller ones were close behind them. The ceiling if the tunnel started to crumble and Rael looked up to its monstrous legs trying to break through. "Of all the planets!", she shouted at no one in particular as Din started to shoot at the smaller spiders crawling up the walls.

The frog lady had dropped down to all four and began leaping across the icy ground but Rael grabbed her by her cloaks and dragged her backwards. It hadn't been a moment too soon because one of the giant spiders legs broke through the ice and slammed down right where she would have been. Rael wasted no time and pulled her back to her feet and chased after the Mandalorian still sprinting ahead with the child and tank.

The man stopped and motioned for them to run ahead while he activated three gray-charges. Rael glanced back and saw him throw two oh the tunnel walls and the last one up at the giant spider above them. A second later, the charges went off and the vreature crashed into the tunnel, motionless. "Keep going!", Din shouted at her as he started running again.

The Jedi almost let out a sigh of relief when she saw the ship, but then remembered the fact that the hull was comprised. "Take them!" Din demanded shoving the tank and kid into her and the frog lady's arms so he could fend off the spiders. The two women quickly jumped into the ship and hurried up into the cockpit.

Din was right behind them along with a horde of spiders clambering into the ship. Rael whipped around to see Din struggling to get the doors closed so she shoved in front of him and threw her arms up, knocking the creatures back with a powerful blast of the Force, allowing the doors to slam shut.

But blaster fire behind her made turn around quickly to see that the frog lady, clutching her tank to her, had a small blaster in her hand and few dead small spiders lay around the child. Rael gave her a grateful smile while Din hurried to the pilot's seat. "Strap yourselves in. This better work.", he told them, but the second part was much quieter. "I've got limited visibility. It's gonna be a bumpy ride." The Mandalorian added as the engines roared to life and the ship slowly lifted off the ground.

Just as Rael had started to secure her harness, something huge landed on top of the Razor Crest, making it slam back to the ground. Two giant legs broke through the front of the ship making all of them flinch into their seats. The giant spiders head slowly leaned down and peered at them through the cracked glass. "I hate that knifing thing." Rael growled as the child cried snuggling into her arms more.

But just as its giant mouth opened, showing razor sharp teeth, it was fended off by rapid blaster fire. Din slowly got out of his seat while real and the frog lady stared outside, watching the creature fall off the ship. "Stay here.", he told them and crept out of the cockpit. Rael quickly got out of her seat and hand the child to the frog lady. She then peered out of the front of the ship to see how had saved them. X-wings... "I'll be back!", she told the woman and kid before hurrying after Din.

She was about to hurry out of the cargo hold when she heard Mando ask, "Am I under arrest?". The ranking officer said, "Technically you should be, but these are trying times." Din was quiet for a moment before saying, "What say I forego the bounties on these three criminals, and you two help me fuse my hull so I can get off this frozen rock?". The younger pilot scoffed as his superior retorted, "What say you get that transponder fixed and we don't vaporize that antique the next time we patrol the Rim?".

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