The Plot Thickens

Start from the beginning

There was no sign at all.

Robert laughed loudly and ran his hand through his fluffy beard. Trying to smooth it out but the more he touched it the more it puffed. He stared at me with a large smile on his face until he realized I had been serious.

"Ned's boy?" Robert shook his head. "No. Not a chance."

"Why not?" I questioned him. "What is so wrong with the Stark boy? He is her age; they get on well enough and on top of that, Baratheon's and Stark's would be bound by blood should they have children!"

"The boy is also Tully from his mother's side!" Robert seethed. "Tully's have not a drop of honor!"

"And his father is the most honorable in all of Westeros!" I found myself overly defending the Stark boy. I cleared my throat and sat back up, proper like a Lady and pressed my lips together. Keeping a firm stare on Robert.

Robert was not pleased but he did not shout nor raise his tone, although it was a dark tone that he had been speaking to me with this time.

"What lands does the boy have to offer her? His gold belongs to his father and he has no talent aside from being good looking. I want her to be a Lady of anywhere besides a chamber in my damn castle!" Robert was redder than a rose in full bloom. His round cheeks burning as he sucked down the rest of his cup of wine, slamming the cup to the table so hard that it fell over and rolled to the floor.

"Isn't Robb Stark the heir to Winterfell?" I questioned softly. "Alana would be Lady of Winterfell-"

"And if Benjen Stark squirts a son into some bitch then what will Alana be Lady of? A cottage in the North? A tent in the woods? She'd have not a damn thing." Robert hissed. "I swore to my father long ago that if anything happened to him I'd take care of the family. Stannis got Storm's End and Renly got Dragonstone, I had nothing to give Alana- but I can find her a husband who has something to give her! Something better than Storm's End or Dragonstone!"

"Hm," I hummed as I adjusted myself in the chair again. Swirling my cup and looked back up at Robert who had a brown raised at me. "You want what's best for her, yet you deny her to make a choice of her own."

"Excuse me?" Robert blinked at me angerly.

"Robert, my dear, how much history do you know? Truthfully?" I asked in a calm tone. Robert silently shrugged at me. "What you are doing to your sister is something that had been done to one of your own ancestors, Rhaenyra Targaryen. You know of her, do you not?"

Robert nodded. "What does she have to do with Alana?"

"Her father, King Viserys, forced suitor upon suitor to his daughter. Until finally he forced her to wed her cousin Laenor Valaryon, Lord heir of Driftmark." I replied.

Another nod and then a hum from Robert.

"When she wed Laenor against her will it resulted in not one, not two, but three bastard children that she claimed belonged to him. Do you wish to wed your sister to a man she does not hold an ounce of love for just for her to sneak around anyway with the man she truly does love?"

"She loves someone?" Robert questioned fiercely.

I shook my head. "No, but if she were to fall in love-"

"I want her to at least meet Benjen Stark. Perhaps he will be the one she falls for." Robert pulled another piece of parchment and began to write again. Not once looking up at me. "You are dismissed Cersei."

BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VOL 5 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now