Chapter 98: A Griffin's Heart

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König ceased all movement in an instant. He looked vaguely like he was concerned that he would scare off a flighty bird, "What is it, mein tiger?"

And oh how that feral part of Horangi preened at the thought of being his. But there was still something they had to go over, and he desperately hoped it wouldn't drive him away as it had others.

"Before we start anything..." He huffed, tail whipping back and forth in agitation. His ears had cropped up and they flattened against his head. König desperately wanted to scratch and stroked at the base of them to soothe, but he also didn't dare move.

"I..." Horangi continued after a moment, "I mean, I just don't have..." He let out a frustrated growl before finally just spitting it out, "I'm trans."

Horangi really wasn't sure why it was so hard for him to tell König. He had always been quite proud and sure of his identity. But maybe it was simply because he was so desperate for things to work with König, he really wanted this.

König blinked a couple of times. When they had first met, Horangi had been laid bare, but he had covered himself with his wings. At the time König believed it to be modesty, but looking back, the man was always shameless, borderline animalistic that first day. He doubted he would have particularly cared in hindsight. But it certainly would have behooved him to keep that fact about himself concealed to a massive stranger in the woods. Not knowing his intentions.

König finally allowed himself to reach up and run a thumb along the other man's cheekbone, "I want you. I don't care about your anatomy, Perfektion. That makes no difference to who you are."

The tension seemed to seep out of Horangi in an instant, "Needed to make sure is all. A few members of my last squad weren't fans of that fact about me. It used to be in my files."

König, for a brief moment, fantasized about the possibility of tracking down Horangi's old squadmates and dismembering them slowly. He often considered it late at night when he was drifting off to sleep. They had left Horangi to die scared and alone. They would deserve it.

This knowledge about them certainly wouldn't improve their standing in the kraken's mind.

König leaned forward, allowing a stray tentacle to lift his hood so that he could mouth at Horangi's neck, "Anything off limits then?"

Horangi shivered. Why was it so sexy that he bothered to ask? Like, bare minimum, but damn.

"Not really. I like most things." He admitted. On his own for so long, he certainly indulged in many different fantasies, "You can call me whatever names you want, even if they're feminine. But don't treat me like a girl, call me a girl. I'm a man plain and simple." He made sure he was firm about this, frequently having to fight people on it in the past.

König pulled back slightly to run his eyes over his form, "Oh, you certainly are..." He purred in admiration.

Holy shit.

This kraken was going to be the death of him. Preferably in the sexiest way possible.

König clearly had no qualms on that front as a tentacle slowly began snaking up Horangi's leg. Slithering up to tease at the crotch of his pants. Horangi couldn't help but tilt his hips up for more friction, a slightly embarrassing purr rumbling out of his throat. König gave a chittering laugh, pleased with the reaction.

"More, Kätzchen?"

Horangi reached up and grabbed the front of his shirt firmly in a fist and yanked him forward, startling him slightly, "If you don't hurry up and fuck me into oblivion I'll kill you."

More Than Humanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن