Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

A "Great" Conversation

-In Ozpin's office-

Ozpin looked at Glynda Goodwitch pace back and forth inside of his office with a worried expression on her face. Was she worried about Star or what Ozpin was thinking.

Ozpin knew how Glynda felt about the rebellious girl. It ripped her to shreds when she realized Star wasn't coming back even though back then Glynda did what she could to keep her there.

The elevator opened to see Star, she may have physically been there but mentally she was elsewhere.

Ozpin: Good to see you Star, your display of strength and power was definitely one for the record books if I must say. You teamwork with that young man as well, Kyle was his name I believe right?

Star: It's Kyon, don't play me for a fool Ozpin, what did you want?

Ozpin: Ah yes yes, the kid who almost fried me for disrespecting you. He's an orphan but the boy saved one of my best students, I find it interesting. However to answer your question I was intrigued to see how Glynda reacted after your small yet beautiful interaction with her, and I'm wondering what  is going through her head. You her old lover who left her and I the one who picked up the pieces.

Star looked at Glynda who wasn't making any eye contact with her whatsoever. Maybe from the feeling of embarrassment or she knew the look Star was making and couldn't face it.

Ozpin: I am not mad because I have more important things to worry about like this school for instance, students, future Huntsmen and huntresses protecting our kingdom which should be everyone's first priority. I am going to step out and let you two handle this like the adults you are.

Ozpin got out of his chair leaving the office to attend to other duties leaving Star and Glynda alone.

(I think we all know what's happening in that office)

While Star and Glynda were having a "Chat" (Y/n) our hero was in his dorm with Weiss. They talked about how much they missed one another, it's great that they are able to have time to talk after months of being away and partially being umm dead..

Even though (Y/n) was focused on Weiss the back of his mind was worried about his new friend Kyon. Sure he's known the guy for a few days but that same guy brought him back to life, he has a soft spot in there somewhere but whatever happened in the past between him and Pyrrha it's up to them to fix or something really bad could happen, not just them but everyone can be affected by it.

Weiss: What's on your mind?

(Y/n): Hm? Oh it's nothing aside from you it's nothing bad.

Weiss: is it about your friend?

(Y/n): Wouldn't necessarily call him a friend yet, Star on the other hand she's a friend. They care for one another and I understand there's no one else who he could trust more. But did you see the look in his eyes?

Weiss: Describe it.

(Y/n): It was anger, rage but there was sadness there as well, Kyon may have default Weiss settings but deep down he really has emotions just like the rest of us.

Weiss: What do you mean by default?

(Y/n): Oh you know, your ice cold mannerism to everyone, mean and cold.

Weiss was offended by this but he wasn't necessarily wrong about it. To be honest it was the truth so she couldn't make an excuse nor defend her case.

Weiss: But is there anything else?

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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