Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Road to Beacon

Later on, that night after (Y/n) got sucker punched in the face by Kyon, Star was currently in his room having a chat with him.

Star: You know that wasn't very nice of you Kyon. You didn't have to punch the poor kid.

Kyon: If he was huntsman then he should've blocked it.

Star: In training, Huntsman in training, that means he is still learning how to become one, hell you were the same way.

Kyon: Tch.

Star: Look I get it, you're not big on new people but you need to get out of that headspace and actually make friends.

Kyon: Friends disappoint me.

Star: Then what am I to you?

Kyon: My only family.

Star sighed looking at him before ruffling his hair up a bit.

Star: I understand that your past is preventing you from making friends, however not everyone is like her, like me I wasn't, and I can guarantee you he's not either. All (Y/n) wants to do is get home to his friends, this could be a bigger opportunity for both of us. But he can't get there without us.

Kyon: ...

Star: C'mon Kyon, we've been living like this for a while now. It's time to change things up for the better.

Kyon: Star.

Star: It will be okay, I assure you and if not we can come back but you have to give it a chance at least for me.

Kyon sighed giving into Star's request to take the new guy to Beacon.

Kyon: Fine.. just-

He was tackled into a bear hug by Star who lifted him up and spun him around.

Kyon: Aye! Stop it!

He punched Star on the top of her head making her let go.

Kyon: Go tell the new guy we're leaving in the morning.

Star was super excited she basically ran through the wall to tell (Y/n) great news, leaving Kyon in his room. Kyon walked over to his bed sitting on it and running his hands through his hair.

Kyon: You better be right about this Demon.. I don't want to be alone again and have to go through this again.


~At Beacon~

Weiss woke up in (Y/n)'s bed in tears from the night before, his voice never left her mind. The door swung open to see Ruby standing there looking at her teammate. 

Ruby: Weiss what're you doing here, why are you crying? 

Weiss: I just miss him; this is where I come to calm down and think. He should be here, not me. 

Ruby: Weiss- 


Ruby stumbled back from Weiss' outburst looking down at her friend in pity knowing how she feels. 

Weiss: If I was... If I was stronger... I was the only won who could've done anything, I was the ONLY ONE!!

More tears streamed down her face; Ruby hugged her friend letting her cry her heart out, Weiss has blamed herself for everything after that mission no matter how she looked at it. (Y/n) meant the absolute world to her and she never told him how she felt. Her knight in shining armor now dead because of her own weakness. 

"Unwanted Monster" (Rwby x Male Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon