Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Arrival at Beacon

Early in the morning Kyon woke up before the others heading down to the river where he and (Y/n) were last night washing his face off but looking at his reflection in the water he saw his younger self.

His feelings were complicated, confusing yet also conflicting. He wanted to be close to people, wanted to trust them but his once happy younger self he saw in the river changed to a version of him that looked dead. That version of himself was covered in stitches, bruises, and cuts. His left eye was orange while his right was crimson red.

Kyon slammed his hands in the water making that image disappear.

Kyon: I can never let that side of me show..I can't control it, I'll lose myself and-

A twig snapped ahead of him to see a weird looking grimm standing in his way

Kyon stared at the monster unbeknownst to the two people watching from a distance

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Kyon stared at the monster unbeknownst to the two people watching from a distance.

???: Poor guy he's about to be put out of his misery.

??: Then he can die with his dignity intact.

The grimm leaped forward throwing a fist towards the boy only got its fist to be blocked easily

The two people watching from the pushed jaws dropped. Kyon forced the grimm down to his level then its head came smooth off of its shoulders. Kyon used his semblance to make a sword made out of his electricity and it was strong enough

??: H-Holy crap

???: He just- Emerald did you see that?

Emerald: Yes I saw it. Now with that being said don't go getting any bright ideas Mercury.

The wind gently blew on his body causing the electricity to move with the wind before it disappeared as his back was facing them

Mercury: I don't Em, that grimm alone was just about as strong as Hazel if not stronger and he forced it down to his knees... Believe it or not.. I don't want to fight this guy or be anywhere around him.

They hurried off into the distance going to report to their "higher up" what they saw, maybe it could be a potential addition to their group. If not a dangerous enemy.

Kyon stood there as his memories of his past flooded his brain. When he came back to his senses the area around him was dead, grass and flowers. He sighed heavily looking down letting his hair cover his eyes.

Kyon: No matter what I think I deserve it's the opposite. Monsters don't get fairy tale endings..

Turning around he headed back to camp where Star and (Y/n) were to wake them up so they could get to Beacon quickly and no more surprises by grimm.


Hours have passed and Team Rwby has somewhat been okay the past few days have been trying to get Weiss under control. Ruby's done her job to keep her team in check and line. Yang and Blake have been on a rocky road about their relationship and everything. Velvet has been more distant from her team and barely eating. But they didn't know that their world would change for better or worse depending on how they would adjust.

"Unwanted Monster" (Rwby x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now