Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Unwanted attention

(Y/n) was basically dragged into team RWBY's dorm while Star and Kyon got ready for their initiation, (Y/n) was more than excited to see his new friends go all out against the grimm and put on a show for everyone to see. They never showed their weapons, so he was also excited for that as well.

Ruby: (Y/N)!!

Ruby's voice snapped (Y/n) out of his thoughts, he shook his head looking down at the younger team leader who was going on a rant this caused (Y/n) to smile at her which caused Ruby to blush.

Ruby: A-Are you even listening?

(Y/n): I missed you Ruby, I missed all of you so much, even you Yang.

Yang: Hey-

Team Rwby's dorm was kicked off its hinges, everyone averted their gaze to see Nora

Nora: Hey team Rwby and (Y/n), we have two new- GASPPPPPPP OH MY GOD (Y/N)!!!!

Before he could respond Nora tackled (Y/n) into the wall with a death gripping hug, everyone second seem to be more painful.


(Y/n): Ribs! Crushing! can't...breathe...

Weiss: Nora release!!

Nora rolled her eyes letting go of the boy as his took a deep inhale getting air back into his lungs returning back to life.

Nora: Sorry, Sorry, it's just so good to see you after so long, since you.. well KABOOM!

(Y/n): Oh yeah, I will probably have to feel you and the rest of your team in on how I'm back anddd Nora's gone.

Blake: She'll be back.

Just in that moment Team JNPR was in the dorm, they all had shocked expressions but (Y/n) stood up yelling.

(Y/n): HOLD IT! Yes I am alive, Yes it's a long story, Of course I will let you know. NO! I do not want another bone crushing hug I think Nora shifted my ribs.

Nora giggled hiding behind Ren.

(Y/n): So, fix their damn door, sit down, and I'll tell everyone EVERYTHING.

There was a brief silence before Jaune spoke up

Jaune: Now can we all get a hug?

(Y/n): *SIGH* Yes.. now you may all get a hug from me. 'I've been alive for 3 days and I feel like killing myself all over again.'

(Y/n) brought team Jnpr into a group hug thankfully it wasn't a bone crushing hug like Nora's, Ruby's, and Weiss'.

After the hug and a door being fixed (Y/n) made sure everyone was comfortable where they were at before explaining where he has been the last couple of months.

(Y/n): I'm pretty sure you're all aware of what happened "that day" but since then I've been dead, from what I can remember I felt like I was floating in a never-ending void, like I was falling through water, but I could actually breathe. Then I woke up in a huge palace that was owned by a 17-year-old kid! Which is beyond my understanding, continuing that's where I met the two that saved me-

Nora: Then you broke their legs!

(Y/n): HAH... No but I did get sucker punch in the schnoz (nose).

Ren: What were their names?

(Y/n): I'd get to that if I wasn't getting interrupted every time.

This caused Nora and Ren to sit back down giving their attention to (Y/n) once more.

"Unwanted Monster" (Rwby x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now