Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

The After Effects

The teams finally made it back to beacon to be met with a crowd of students and professors. Once they stepped off the bullhead all they heard was cheering and whistling but they weren't loud enough to forget the fact that (Y/n) is now gone because they were too weak.

Team Rwby was the last team to get off the bullhead being met with familiar faces then a certain bunny faunus ran up to them

Velvet: Hey guys welcome back, I'm glad you're all okay.

She smiled looking at the broken team, they never accounted how to tell her about (Y/n)'s death.

Ruby: Vel-

Velvet: Where's (Y/n)?

The entire team gulped not knowing how to answer the question

Yang: U-Uhmm he's-

Velvet: Probably napping he's always known for sleeping after a huge missions-

Weiss: He's gone Velvet!

Apparently all the side conversations stopped and everyone looked at the heiress.

Velvet: What..what do you mean he's-

Weiss: I'm sorry Velvet...but he's gone.

Weiss was on the verge of tears as the image flashed in her head again. Fact is, without him sacrificing himself none of them were going to make it back home, the mission was a success because of him.

Velvet: N-No he can't be. You're lying, YOU'RE A LIAR! (Y/N) COME OUT THIS ISN'T FUNNY!

There was no response just looks of sorrow, Velvet charged to go inside the bulhead but Weiss and Ruby stopped her.


Ruby: He's not coming back Velvet he's gone, I'm sorry

Weiss and Ruby went in for a hug only for her to push out of it with tears streaming down her face. This was a huge pill to swallow.

Her best friend, someone who knew her inside and outside, the person she grew up with, the guy who she always loved was no gone, she didn't even get the chance to tell him how she really felt about him.

Fox Alistair, a teammate and current boyfriend to Velvet walked up to her placing a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, she quickly turned and pushed him away

Velvet: Don't touch me! I want to be left alone.

After that she ran off completely and utterly heartbroken, without a doubt the only person that could fix that would be none other than (Y/n).

Yang: Just give her some space Fox, she'll come to you once she's ready.

Fox could only sigh before walking after his broken girlfriend. By the time Fox left Ozpin appeared in front of the crowd with his coffee in hand.

Ozpin: Team RWBY, JNPR, and SSSN please follow me to my office.

The teams did they were told Weiss stayed to herself behind everyone, she was going to have it the worst for awhile. All she could think about was his face, the fact that she was a snow angel to him and not ice queen.

-In Ozpin's office-

Ozpin: I heard the mission was a success, I am very glad you all made it back somewhat safe and sound.

Blake: Not all.

Ozpin turned his head to see Blake, her hand was tightened into a fist.

Blake: We lost someone important! Without him we wouldn't have gotten out! He sacrificed his life so we could survive and all you can say is, "Glad you all made it back"!

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