Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 

One Small Step 

It's been some time since (Y/n), Kyon, and Star embarked on their journey to Beacon and Kyon's outburst at (Y/n) about friends. Nighttime soon fell upon them, so they had to set up a camp for the night. Star got a fire going while the other two went hunting for food.

The two boys were fishing by a river not too far from the campsite. Kyon was easily collecting fish but (Y/n) was struggling.

(Y/n): So, I see you have a grasp for this, how long have you been you know by yourself? 

Kyon kept his back turned from (Y/n) while standing in the river fishing still. 

(Y/n): Still not talking hm? How would Star feel about that? 

Kyon: ...It's not that simple you moron. I've been around that Demon more than anyone, I trust her. 

(Y/n): My name is (Y/n), not moron. 

Kyon: Yeah, whatever moron. 

(Y/n): Why don't you trust me? I mean at least give me a chance, I haven't done anything to you, hell I've been "dead" for the past few months. 

Kyon: I barely know you aside from your name "Moron". 

He turned his head to the side looking over his shoulder at (Y/n) sighing before continuing to speak as his face softened. 

Kyon: It's way easier said than done to trust people. I had a friend who betrayed me.. I loved her, I trusted her with everything. She left me for someone who barely knew her, and he would only use her because of what she could do. 

(Y/n) looked at Kyon somewhat explain his past, his eyes looked full of pain just talking about it. Whoever this girl was she was really important to him. 

(Y/n): What did she do to you? 

Kyon slowly lifted his shirt up to his shoulders showing a healed-up hole that was in the middle of his back as well as other small scars on his back. 

(Y/n): S-She did that to you? 

Kyon nodded putting his shirt back down this is the first time Kyon showed any emotion towards (Y/n). 

Kyon: Maybe you're a good guy and a good person at heart but I'll have to figure that out for myself before I can trust you. Trust is earned not given and it's so easy to break. 

(Y/n): Whoever she is I hope we never run into her; we'll show her what's up. 

Kyon: I like your optimism however I don't believe you'll be running into her ever and I hope to keep it that way for my sake, because I'd kill her. 

(Y/n): Is that a threat-

Kyon: It's a promise.

They finished gathering food for the night and started walking back to camp where Star was at. It was awkward at first but at least it was a first step to hopefully a great friendship between (Y/n) and Kyon. After a few minutes of silence Kyon finally spoke up. 

Kyon: What about you, what's your story?

(Y/n): Well would you look at that, you're actually conversating with me, I guess your slowly starting to trust me. 

He rolled his eyes keeping his eyes forward. 

(Y/n): To soon got it, anyways my story is I was abandoned by my parents met a bunny Faunus whom I loved since the moment I saw her, grew up with her, went to the same schools and the day I was going to confess to her she was kissing another guy so that was fun, fast forward I made new friends and met a beautiful cat Faunus who cheated on me with her own teammate you know the cliche shi- 

Kyon: Boy or- 

(Y/n): Girl, it was an all-girl team. 

Kyon: Damn.

(Y/n): Then one day we all went on a suicide mission where I sacrificed myself to save everyone and here I am.

Kyon nodded understanding his story, it surprised him how alike they were when it came down to their parents abandoning them to best friends hurting one another. Although one was just emotionally while the other was emotional and physical. 

Finally, they made it back to camp where Star was sitting by a fire then smiled at the two boys

Star: Finally, you two showed up! I thought I would have to come find the both of you. How did the hunting for dinner go?

Kyon: It was fine. 

He walked over to the fire and started to cook the fish; Star walked over to (Y/n) nudging him. 

Star: So how'd it go?

(Y/n): I think okay, he opened up a little bit to me. I don't know everything, but I got a pretty good gist of what happened. 

Star: Does he call you by your name yet?

(Y/n): Nope I'm still known as Moron. 

Star: Yikes! Just give it some time however, I'm happy to see the two of you somewhat get along. I'm positive the two of you will be great friends in the future. 

Kyon: After we're done eating and sleep, we should be arriving at Beacon tomorrow around noon, I hope this isn't a waste of my time Moron. 

(Y/n): It won't be I promise.

Kyon: Whatever.

(Y/n) stomped over to Kyon and talked to each other, Star couldn't help but smile watching the two of them. Kyon is slowly beginning to trust (Y/n), one small step at a time. She was even more excited to make it to Beacon to see a certain someone again, it's been years, she doesn't even know if they'll remember her. 

(This is a small chapter I hope everyone enjoys, the next chapter will either be tomorrow or the day after. Let me know what you think) 

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