𓋼𓍊𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘵𓍊𓋼

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allison pov

we were all huddled into Edens truck, which was strange. It was her grandfathers old truck, which he used for hunting on the rare occasion. Eden had seemingly taken out all of his equipment, and put our things in it. The trunk had tents, batteries, knives, her bow with arrows, food rations, water buckets, blankets, towels, a small, portable grill, and tons of other useful things.We were all piled into the front and back seats with our bags. Eden was driving, not that she was the best at it, but she was the only one who had ever driven a car. Ivy was in the passenger, making note of everything we passed so that we could relocate this gas station regularly. I was in the back behind Eden, and Emilie was on the floor of the car asleep, her legs stretched. Everyones bags were in the back with me, plus some other things people brought. I looked out the window, watching as the town I was in for maybe only, 4 years of my life, drifted away from me. At an age like 12, 4 may seem like a long time. But whenever you think about it big-picture, it's nothing. I mean, I probably have another 30 years left to life!! I suddenly heard Eden click a button on the radio, and a cd went into it. I knew it was going to be trouble when the album red began playing. Emilie woke up abruptly, looking like a maniac at Eden, and they both began singing the lyrics. The only difference in their voices was Eden was off-key, and Emilie wasn't. Tired, I just listened, laughing hysterically at their craziness. As the minutes passed, the sun fell more and the world fell quieter. At last, the loud pop sound came to an end, with Emilie taking a gasp of breath, and Eden continuing to talk about how lovely Taylor Swift is. Of course, we all agreed. We all loved Taylor swift indefinitely. Emilie reached forwards, and turned the lights on in the car. It wasn't really necessary yet, but would be soon. As the white pick up trucks engine roared, the air conditioning shut off. "Where are we?" I asked, looking towards the woods. "Northern Louisiana, where we're going to end up? No clue." Emilie said, yawning. The car was quiet, until Ivy spoke up,"We could drive until we reach Michigan, there's lots of forest we could make our way into." She said quietly, looking out the window. It would be a long drive, but we had money for gas. Not that we would ever really use the truck again after we made it, but it's the idea that matters. I looked out my window, yawning. Soon, I felt the heavy relief of no notifications, no voices yelling, nothing. Just, peace. So, I closed my eyes, and a part of my dreamed. However, it was more than dreaming, it was imagining my wonderful future and all it withholds.

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