Meisner slowly nodded, of course she did. Would have been nice to know this before she was killed..

Me:"What can we do?"
Meisner:"For now that box needs to stay sealed and kept hidden."
Nick:"I know where to put it."

Sean's P.O.V

When I thought Sylas was all mine, it was taken from me. Knowing what I know now, doesn't comfort me at all.


I shook my head to smile at her,

Marie:"Is mommy okay?"
Me:"Honestly sweetheart? I'm not sure but mommy isn't going anywhere."
Marie:"But the bad man wants her."
Marie:"Asmodeus wa-"

Quickly pulling her to me I gave a stern look,

Me:"Don't ever say that name."
Marie:"Okay, but daddy he will come for mommy."
Me:"Can you feel things?"

She nodded then climbed up onto the couch sitting beside me.

Marie:"I can also hear him, he's angry and wants mommy."
Me:"Listen to me Marie, I will not let him take your mother. What is he saying?"

Marie looked down fidgeting her hands so I placed mine over hers,

Me:"Please, it's important to know."
Marie:"He said he will kill you if he doesn't get mommy. I don't like his voice daddy.."

Sighing softly I pulled Marie to me and cradled her just as footsteps approached us from behind.

Sylas:"Is something wrong with her?"

Remaining quiet Sylas stepped around taking a seat on the edge of the coffee table to look at me, forcing the tears back I met her gaze.

Me:"We need to talk, Marie sweetheart? Can you go to your room for a minute?"

Letting her go, Sy and I both watched Marie walk down the hall and into her bedroom. Sighing as I rubbed my face, Sy grabbed my hands holding onto them as she kept staring at me.

Me:"He's speaking to Marie."
Sy:"The King of Hell?"
Me:"Yes, she told me that he said he would kill me if he doesn't get you. She's terrified Sy."
Sylas:"Then we give him what he wants."
Me:"Fuck no! I've put so much work into our relationship to have you taken from me. That is not a damn option Sylas. I mean it."
Sylas:"Then what can we do? His voice will just grow louder day by day, she can't handle that."
Me:"I know.."
Sylas:"Just give the Royals the heart."
Me:"Are you fucking insane?!"

I stood up out of anger, Sylas stood up staring into my eyes.

Sylas:"We don't have a choice, I don't want our daughter to suffer from his demands!"
Me:"What demands?! He can't force her to do a damn thing, let alone yourself. We will have to find another way."
Sylas:"What other way Sean?! There isn't one!"

Growling lowly we stood inches away from each other just glaring hard at one another. Getting a scoff from Sy she began walking away but something strange had happened, the next thing I knew Sy and I was standing close looking at one another before we began kissing. Feeling confused but I kept kissing her then placed my hands on her hips, we pulled away to look at one another in confusion.

Me:"This wasn't what you wanted?"
Sylas:"Not when I'm pissed!"

Sighing heavily I looked down the hall seeing Marie looking out her bedroom door at me,

Me:"Did you do this?"
Sylas:"Do not blame her!"

Ignoring Sy I kept my focus on Marie who slowly walked towards us,

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