Start from the beginning

"I. Do. Not. Care. Got it?" Dong Dechou said.

"Y-yes, General Secretary..." His advisor stuttered.

"Good... now get out my office." Dong Dechou said as the advisor left his office.


The Roldom Valley

In the Valley of Roldom, the German Army is watching over as Refugees flood around the roads and carts of the valley.

One of the soldiers is Master Sergeant Hans Schafer of the German Army.

He is watching over with his fellow German companions, as a German Colonel is instructing the Refugees with a megaphone, speaking the Saderan language.

"Attention! Attention, everyone!" The Colonel said in the microphone.

The Refugees turn their attention to the Colonel.

"We need to be careful here. This road is narrow and steep, and there's a risk of rockslides. I need you all to stay in a single file and walk slowly. Do not push or jostle each other." The Colonel said.

He looks around, making eye contact with as many people as possible.

"If you have any elderly or children with you, please keep them close and help them along. We cannot afford any accidents or injuries." The Colonel said.

He pauses for a moment to make sure everyone understands.

"Stay calm, stay alert, and stay together." The Colonel said.

The Refugees begins to move slowly and steadily, following the Colonel's instructions.

They walk in a single file, with some holding hands to support each other.

The Colonel walks at the front, keeping an eye out for any signs of danger.

"Nicht viel... (Nothing much...)" The Colonel muttered, as he walked by the Refugees holding the megaphone.

One of the refugees look at the Colonel suspiciously, and without a warning he tried to attack the Colonel.

The Colonel immediately grabbed his Heckler & Koch P8 and shot the man.

The Colonel immediately grabbed his Heckler & Koch P8 and shot the man

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Suddenly more of the refugees started attacking the other refugees.

It's Imperial guerillas disguised as refugees!

"Scheiße Hinterhalt! (Shit ambush!)" One of the German soldiers shouted.

Immediately, the German soldiers opened fire at the Imperial guerillas, trying their best to not accidentally shoot at innocent refugees.

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