Finishing the story

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Hello everyone.

It has come to my attention that many people are actually reading this book and I, thank you for those who have come this far... but due to personal reasons, I can't write the book anymore thus I'll tell you what the plan was for this story.

The K/DA members was supposed to die in the end as their disease can be later on be revealed to be incurable but they died a noble and honorable death by saving the world. Seraphine is the only K/DA member to survive.

Y/N swore to protect the world in the end thus making him a demon slayer that protects the world from apocalyptic events alongside Nero and the gang. 

The storyline of DMC 5 is basically the plot for these chapters but I just got no time to finish the story. So I hope you guys still enjoyed the book because I don't plan on finishing this now. I plan to write a new fanfic using the K/DA characters still.

Thank you guys so much and I hope you guys are having a good life right now. Take care and move on forward to a new beginning! 

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