You're A Philistine

Start from the beginning

Ifrit: 'ey I knew a guy named Alastor who turned into a sword. Tell him to find alastor and make that his new weapon.

Yang: Ifrit told me about a Grimm arm named Alastor. If you can find him it can be your new weapon.

(y/n): I can't. Jaune already found him.

Yang: Jaune found him?

(y/n): didn't he tell you?

Yang: no.

(y/n): i guess he forgot.

Ruby: changing the subject, earlier Pyrrha told me about how you've been letting her listen to your music. How long has that been happening?

(y/n): a few days now. Why what's wrong?

Yang: I feel bad for her. I don't want another person to be cursed to listen to your music.

(y/n): what's wrong with my music?

Yang: do you remember that time we had to listen to you play the same 5 avenged sevenfold song on loop during a trip?

Ruby: I get nightmares every time I hear the opening to hail to the king.

(y/n): hey at least I don't listen to Margaret moonlight like a certain someone.

He points to Ruby.

Yang: True.

Ruby: what's wrong with Margaret?

(y/n): she's boring. The only people who listen to her are otakus and teenage girls like you.

Ruby: you're just a philistine!

(y/n): as if you're not with my music.

Yang: stop you two. There's nothing wrong with either of your music.

(y/n): then why were you making fun of it?

Yang: I was just busting your balls.

Ruby: I was being serious.

(y/n): when I get back we are fighting.

Ruby: bring it!

(y/n) went into his dorm room.

Pyrrha: hey (y/n).

Jaune: are you okay?

(y/n): I'm fucking pissed.

Pyrrha: what's wrong.

Ren: Ruby called him a philistine for not liking Margaret moonlight.

Pyrrha: Margaret moonlight?

(y/n): she's some Goth Lolita singer that Ruby likes.

Jaune: one of my sisters likes Margaret.

(y/n): her music is so boring. I remember being forced to chaperone Ruby at one of her concerts and I wanted to die sitting through her shitty music. The only good thing I can say about her is that she has a good taste in clothing but that's it.

He walks over to his drawers and pulls out his Huntsman clothes and puts them on.

(y/n): well I'm going to get going.

Pyrrha: where are you going?

(y/n): I'm going to buy a new weapon.

Pyrrha: why is Red queen broken?

(y/n): no, I just want to diversify my weapons set.

Pyrrha: can I come with you?

(y/n): no, I'm going to come back after I get it.

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