the gift of giving [ desert duo - third life ]

Start from the beginning

please don't leave me, grian.

as he neared the ravine where he fell, he spotted a familiar male hunched over the ravine, precariously perched on the edge. scar would've spotted that red sweater anywhere, even in a crowd of millions.

even without his vibrant sweater, scar would always be able to find grian.

he practiced his speech in his head, and attempted to perk the flowers up a bit.

panting, scar halted behind grian, and doubled over to retrieve his breath. "grian-" he managed to wheeze out. "i have these for you," he said, showing him his small bouquet. "can we still- gAH-" before he could finish his question, grian had tackled him, his small body clinging to scar's, arms wrapped around scar's neck.

grian was hugging scar.

grian, with a green name, was hugging scar, who had a red name.

and scar forgot every single word he was going to say.

scar stumbled, slightly taken off balance because of the sudden weight, and taken aback with surprise. this wasn't the reaction he was expecting. he thought grian would yell at him, or run away, or something. but not hug him.

as if scar was still important to him, as if scar was still someone he cared about.

maybe we still could be, a small voice whispered.

"you big idiot," grian grumbled in his shoulder. there was annoyed affection in his voice. affection. for scar.

so, scar hugged him back. he released the apology bouquet, letting the flowers fall to the ground, resting their petals against the sandy floor. and scar pulled him closer and hugged him tight. "i'm sorry," scar mumbled quietly.

"don't be," the blonde replied. "just don't do it again!" he pulled away, his eyes alight with slight amusement and fondness.

"don't worry, i won't! i'd hate to die forever," scar joked. dying had to wait; he still needed to live his life with grian.

shaking his head, grian began walking near the edge. "c'mon, then. let's get your stuff."

and then scar remembered what he was going to say.

"wait-" he moved forward, grabbing grian's wrist. he immediately let go, locking eyes with the blonde's confused gaze. "i- i have a question though..."


scar swallowed. "are- can you still stay? with me?" he paused. "please?" it never hurt to add a "please." a very useful life lesson indeed.

grian stared at him, silent. 

oh no. oh no, oh no, no, no, no. 

he was going to refuse, wasn't he? grian was going to tell him that'd he help retrieve scar's stuff, but then he'd run off. maybe grian was planning to shove scar down the ravine, to get rid of the big, bad red name. scar's breath hitched. "grian?" he whispered nervously.

grian's eyes were blank as he simply stood there, staring.

and then, grian laughed.

god, scar was really bad at predicting reactions.

grian doubled over, clutching his chest as he laughed hard. "my god, scar," he said between laughs. "you are too funny." he lightly punched the other's shoulder. "of course we can stay together!"

scar gaped at him, shocked. "but- but-" he stammered for words. "aren't you scared of me? i'm red now! i- i have to go kill people and i'm not supposed to be friends with anyone!"

grian snorted. "great! i'll help you with the killing," he chirped cheerfully. "i've had enough of ren having the enchanter anyways. this world was becoming boring for a bit anyways."

"but- i- you-?" scar was deeply confused. "you really are okay with staying with me?"

grian tilted his head. "why wouldn't i be okay?"

"i'm red!"

"but you're still scar, aren't you?"

scar paused. "what is that supposed to mean?"

"it means i can trust you," grian replied. "i know you wouldn't hurt me, scar."

but what if i do? scar wanted to asked. what if scar did things he could never take back? he remained silent.

grian sighed. "look, if you want to mope around, then be my guest. but i'll be right at your side, through all your grumpy moments, all right?" just to prove his point, grian took scar's hand and held it tightly. "besides, i gave you my sworn loyalty, remember? can't leave even if i wanted to."

gave. grian has given scar something. many things, in fact. he has given scar his first life, his loyalty, his companionship. grian gave scar his trust, his friendship.

scar stared at grian, eyes round. he still couldn't really wrap his head around the idea. so, grian sighed, and walked over. and gave him a hug.

so scar returned the favor and hugged him close. "you'll really stay?" his voice pitched at the end, squeaking slightly.

"'course i will," grian mumbled into his chest. "now, c'mere, you big idiot," he said, with no true venom.

in that moment, scar would've done anything to be this close to grian again. to hear such warm affection spill from the blonde's mouth, to be with grian.

which sounded ridiculous, as scar was with grian everyday. and as it seems, he would continue to have his loyal companion to the end.

and grian said he trusted scar. grian gave scar his trust.

so scar would do the same. he'd give his life for grian, he'd give anything for grian.

maybe nothing that drastic. yet.

perhaps, another apology bouquet would do.


it's the lovely desert duo <3 /p

that's really all i have to say :)

as always, thank you for reading!!

WC: 1388

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